Angelas annual party

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Every year Angela holds a party and her house for all her friends. Mostly on Saturday at 5-9pm, this year was like any other.

This year Lucy decided to come at 3 to help Angela set up, and since Lucy was there so was Tim.



Lucy's POV: 

I was on my way to Angela's a little bit later than expected but she wouldn't mind... right?! I sent Lia (short for Liana) to my aunt Amy's house.

We showed up at wound 3:05, only five minutes later and rang on the doorbell.

Angela opened the door and she went berserk for being 5 minutes late, "Damn this girl must be on her period" Tim whispered to me, leading me to side eye him.

I am pretty sure she heard it and said "oh, look who's talking, I'm pretty sure your wife would leave you for me any day, I treat her so much better than you could ever." She side eyed him and led us into the kitchen.

Tim just sighed, rolled his eyes and said "sure". How dare he treat my bestie like that, so I decided to say "She's not wrong, I would", I smirked at Angela.

He looked at me with a look of horror, and we got straight to work, I helped Angela make food and his tall ass had to hang all the decor.

People started rolling in at around 4:45, and by 4:55 it was a full on party. Around 30-40 people in her house.

Tim was just standing in a corner like always while I was going around trying to start small talk with other and dancing with Angela, because Tim is boring and won't join me.

I was getting a refill on my 5th glass of tequila, at this point it is 6:30 and I am extremely drunk. Suddenly a guy I recognize from the fire department comes up to me while I'm refilling and try's to make small talk.

"Hey" he says calmly. "Hi" I say smiling sweetly. "You're Lucy right?" He asks, "that would be me" I say laughing.

We start talking when suddenly he takes out his hand and asks to dance with me, I kindly reject and tell him I am married so I really shouldn't. He just looked at me, it seemed like he didn't care.

He kept saying things like "Just 1 dance, C'mon, It won't hurt a thing!" I kept waving my hands in defense saying that making it obvious I don't want to dance with him.

Suddenly I see Tim glaring at him while he grabs onto my arm trying to pull me to the dance floor. Tim excuses himself while he is talking to Wesley and walks over to me.

"I'm pretty sure she said she didn't want to." he said glaring at Emmet. "Hmm, Who are you to tell me what to do?" he responded, rolling his eyes. I just stood there secretly trying to hold in my smile seeing jealous Bradford like this.

"Well, it doesn't matter who I am, she made it clear she doesn't want to dance with you so I recommend you backoff." He said, still glaring into his soul. "Yea, no thanks" Emmet said smirking.

At this point Tim looked extremely jealous and pissed. "Piss off before I call 911 to get you wheeled into an ambulance." Emmet just rolled his eyes and started to walk off when Tim suddenly said, "talk to my wife again and that will be that last time you see the light of day.". Emmet turn around and looked at us dumbfounded

"That's right, she's my wife" Tim said smirking and we turned around and left somewhere else.

By 8:00 I had drunk 7 glasses of tequila and I was very very tipsy. I kept tumbling over and Tim had to stand by my side the whole time. He said that we should go home but I kept saying NO!

It is now 8:10 and I was so drunk I could barely stand, Tim had enough. When we were going home, I refused to go so Tim picked me up in Bridal Style in one swoop and told Angela we were going "WOO CHENFORD!" she yelled.

Tim just rolled his eyes and left, I kept trying to wiggle my way out and I successfully did it once and tried to run back in but I almost fell, luckily Tim caught me and picked me up again.

I tried to wiggle out again but he sternly said "Stop, I will drop you and you will 100% fall at the state you are in, and it will hurt.". At that point I stopped, We went home and went to bed I fell asleep almost instantly.

The next morning I woke up and I had to throw up, probrally from all the alcohol and Tim was behind me rubbing my back, the dude who hated vomit was helping me with my vomit problems? Wow...

I was about to get ready to go to the station when Tim asked "where are you going?", "to work" I said. "oh no, I called in this state, you're not." He said. "I'm going to be so bored home alone tho..." I pouted. "Who said you were alone?" He smirked. "YOUR STAYING HOME WITH ME?!" I screeched. "yup".

We stayed home, had some alone time, watched a movie before going to pick Lia up from Aunt Amy's house.

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