New Blood

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Tim's POV


AT THE STATION: (3-month time jump)

I have now taken over Grey's job and he has moved up to captain (PS I DON'T KNOW IF THIS IS HOW IT WORKS). Meaning I have to give the introduction for the new rookies coming in today, I gave the introduction of earning the right and whatever. "Our rookies are Officer Thorsen, Officer Jaurez, and Officer Parker."

Since Nyla and Angela had moved up to detective, Lucy and John became TOs. I had become a lot, a TO, a watch commander, and a sergeant.

"Officer Nolan you get Officer Jaurez, Officer Chen, you get Parker, meaning Officer Thorsen, you are riding with me," I said then dismissing everybody. "Thorsen, get the war bags" I shout, and he quickly runs away, " what are you doing Parker? Go!" Lucy shouts. Then walking up to me, I told her to have a good day, gave her a quick kiss and we walked away.

Thorsen is ok, and so are the other rookies apparently..., me and Lucy ended up on the same crime scene. Lucy was training to become a detective so she was helping collect for the crime scene, I saw Parker just standing there clearly checking her out while she bent down to pick up some stuff.

Something in me started to burn so I shouted "BOOT, instead of standing there checking out your TO maybe do something to help!". Once I said this Lucy was trying to hold in her laugh and came up to me and whispered "Someone's jealous" Then giving me a quick smirk and a wink. I just rolled my eyes and went to find Thorsen.

The rest of the day was just patrol going over the basics. I only saw Lucy during lunch but I couldn't even focus on her since all I could focus on was Parker checking her out 24/7. Dammit, I am jealous over a girl!?! That doesn't sound like me at all. She really has this effect on me...

At the end of the day I called Paker into my office and before he came in Lucy walked in while my head was stuck in my paperwork. "Care to knock boot?" I screamed, "Knock Knock, Grumpypants," she said as she rolled her eyes. "Oh sorry babe, didn't realize it was you" I sweetly smiled.

She was walking over to me when suddenly Parker opened the door and walked in. "BOOT, Care to knock?" I shouted at him. "Sorry, Why didn't Lucy knock?"He asked. "First of all it is Officer Chen to you, and secondly she is different," I said sternly. "Well, you wanted to see me?" He asked.

"Have a seat" I said Lucy leaning against my seat. He sat down and I began "Officer Parker, I need you to take this job seriously," I said with a moderate tone. "I am..." he said. "I see you trying to check out Lu- Officer chen over here instead of doing your job" I said sternly.

"Oh, haha... I wasn't" He slightly chuckled, "Don't lie to me," I said glaring at him. "Well, you can't blame me..." He smirked at me. Lucy just rolled in disgust. "I will need to assign you to a different TO since you seem to not be able to keep it professional," I said.

"No, please I'll stay professional!" He got scared as I said that. "Too late, you were being extremely inappropriate and you lied".

The next few days he was riding with me but I still saw him eyeing Lucy, but I got him to snap out of it, Today Thorsen asked me if we are allowed to date other officers where I replied Yes, he said thank you and left. I am sure the Parker heard this and went to ask Lucy on 1 date.

Lucy's POV

I was doing some paperwork in Tim's office while he was beside me when suddenly I heard a knock on the door, I called him in and he asked he could talk to me, I said ok and he led me outside and asked if he could take me out on a date, I rejected and told him I was married but he said "It fine we don't have to tell your fiance", Which I just responded by saying "Can we talk in the office there's a bit more privacy."

We walked in and he tried to grab my arm and ask me out again but Tim stepped in and asked what all this was about. I explained to him the situation and he glared at Parker. Then Tim spoke out "Please stay away from my wife before I call an ambulance to roll you out." Once he heard this he excused himself and left.

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