xxx. only time will tell

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:: xxx. | only time will tell

After the funeral shindig at granny's, Regina and the heroes as well as her sister, continued to help others who were trying to get back to Storybrooke. In doing so, they all got swept up by the wand that Zelena held but it wasn't the enchanted forest they ended up, it was the Land of Untold Stories.

However, they weren't there for long. After Hyde separated himself from his lesser half, Dr. Jekyll, the heroes managed to get help from him to return back to their land. All while, regina managed to snag the rest of that potion that Hyde used to separate himself.

By the time they got back, everything was as it seemed.

For now.

As soon as they got back, everyone scattered. Emma went to find Henry with hook, David and snow went to see baby Neal, Zelena went her way, and Regina went to go track down Roland. She knew Henry was in great hands, so she wasn't as worried like she was with Roland.

Before the portal sucked them up, Roland was with Henry the last she saw but if she knew Cassandra as well as she thought, Roland would be with her now.

So that's where Regina headed, she headed to Cassandra's parents' house since that's where she's been staying since her return from the underworld.

Once arriving, Regina walked up the steps and knocked on the front door. Although she hoped it would be Cassandra answering or her mother, but sometimes hope gets you nowhere.

"Regina." Cassandra's father, Robert sighed annoyingly, "What can i do for you?"

"Is she home?"

"Yes." He stepped aside letting her in, "She's upstairs with your son."

"Oh, um, he's not my —— " She stopped in her tracks, thinking for a brief second, "Thank you." She decided not to correct him and continued her way upstairs.

After walking that one flight, regina walked down the hall and came across a door. She lightly knocked on it and soon enough opened it, revealing Roland and Cassandra playing cards on the floor.

The queen thought it was adorable.

Cassandra immediately stood up, smiling at Regina, "You're back."

Regina lightly shrugged, "Can't keep a queen down for long." She cleared her throat, "Can i talk to you for a second?"

Cassandra followed Regina out the room and into the hall, by the room Roland sat in.

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