xxxii. bloody hell

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GHOST OF YOU::  xxxii

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:: xxxii. | bloody hell

A few days had gone by since the return of the evil queen. Everyone was going about their life because like always, the heroes had it figured out. As long as they came to the rescue, no one really had much to worry about.

Regina made it clear to Cassandra to stay clear of the evil queen —— at least try to. She couldn't help it if the queen came to her, but she's been trying her best.

However, right then, Cassandra and Roland were just finishing up breakfast. Regina was going to join but with the evil queen on the loose, she had to get ahead of her somehow.

Roland put the last bite of cereal in his mouth. He chewed, then swallowed. He looked up from his bowl at Cassandra who sat across from him.

"Could we chase birds today?"

Cassandra looked up, food in her mouth, "Chase birds?"

He nodded, "Yeah, running with them through the woods."

She swallowed her food, "You think you can keep up?"

Roland began to get out of the chair, "You forget my dad was Robin Hood."

She watched as he headed to the sink to drop his bowl in. She was actually happy, it was starting to finally set in after all this time of being there. She didn't know if it was because she was living with Regina or because Roland is now apart of her life.

She doesn't expect him to see her as a parent, she never wants to take away from Robin or his mother. But she is glad to know him and watch him become the person he wants to be.

Cassandra never felt like anyone should be who their parents would be proud of. She always felt like people should be able to live their truth and how they want. She's not sure if Regina would agree, but that's how she would like to continue raising Roland.

Soon enough, she got up from the table and put her plate in the sink.

Once the two were near the door, Cassandra helped Roland put his shoes on. She grabbed the keys off the small table that was in the entryway.

"Walk or drive?" She dangled the keys.

"Walk. Better time for first timers like you." He smiled.

Cassandra nodded, "Agreed."

She was just about to open the front door when Roland suddenly turned the other way, rushing towards the staircase. Cassandra turns in his direction about to ask where he was going, but . . .

ghost of you, 𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐬Where stories live. Discover now