xxxi. the evil queen & hyde

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GHOST OF YOU::  xxxi

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:: xxxi. | the evil queen & hyde

After Regina separated from her evil self and attempted to kill her, turns out the evil queen is still alive. After the evil queen payed the dragon a visit, she eventually found her way to Storybrooke as did Mr. Hyde. Apparently, rumple gave him Storybrooke, so that was his ticket in.

As soon as they got there, hyde was immediately locked up and well, the evil queen was just making an entrance. She wanted to surprise her lesser self and well, everyone else that happened to be around —— like Snow White and Prince Charming for example, her two worst enemies.

So once approaching granny's diner, the evil queen walked straight in with an evil grin.

"I'm back."

She spoke in a sing-song tone, earning the eyes of everyone there. Especially, regina, the charmings, Henry, Roland, a few locals, and Cassandra —— the one who never experienced the evil queen in her life.

"I thought i got rid of you." Regina walked up to her.

The evil queen shook her head, "Can't get rid of me that easily." She walked passed Regina to Cassandra. She brought up her hand, caressing Cassandra's cheek, "My sweet Cassandra, oh how i missed you."

The burnette wasn't sure what to do in that moment. Flinch or stay still? She didn't know. Even though this was a whole different side —— evil side, it was still Regina and Cassandra loves her just the same. But she knows this is the half that regular Regina doesn't want.

The evil queen looked Cassandra up and down before letting out an amused hum. She turned on her heels and presumed towards the exit, "I'll see you all again very, very soon."

The queen walked out the door, leaving everyone worried and surprised because they thought she was dead —— at least the ones who witnessed the separation.

"This is a problem." Emma commented.

Hook chimed in, "What the bloody hell just happened?"

Regina just sighed, eyes stared at the door that the queen left through. Regina knew this was on her and whatever happens is because of her but she knew she wouldn't have to go through this alone.

• • •

After the evil queen debacle, Regina went to talk the heroes and her sister, while Cassandra took Roland to the house. She wanted to keep an eye on him and well, her and Regina agreed to keep him as close by as possible till this whole situation with the evil queen and hyde is dealt with.

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