Apartment (2)

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POV Santiago

"You see, this flower is called a rhododendron. Isn't it pretty?" A cluster of fiery scarlet sprouts from the bud of the stem. Considering all the red flowers, it seems it's Ms Wright's favorite color.

"These bloom in the spring, so it's at its prime right now. This is a daisy. These are poppies."

Ms Wright has been picking up flowers and pointing for 20 minutes now. She gives each of them to Santiago for him to examine and smell himself. She even offers for him to bring home a couple, but he declines with a stern shake of the head.

For the whole 20 minutes, Santiago doesn't stop nor interrupt her.

He stays and listens because he finds the whole scenario pretty wholesome. This mother is so obviously passionate about her hobby. It's like she's just happy to talk about it.

She takes a second to admire all her work, looking discontent at the overgrowth. "Ugh, these stubborn weeds. I have to pull them out all the time." Ms Wright grabs some nearby dirty gloves, putting them on. She grabs a sunflower pot and starts working out some clovers. "What was your name? Why don't you be amazing and hand me the watering can."

"Santiago." he passes the nearby can to her.

"Well, Santiago." She sets said pot down having picked out all the weeds, "I like to think my plants are treated extravagantly, being cared for all year. They live in a very nice home." proceeding to water the bright yellow plant, water droplets shimmer in the setting sunlight.

"How do your plants survive during the winter..?"

"Oh, I just bring them inside. I make Archer water them as a chore now because sometimes I don't even have the willpower to water plants. When I get home, I just want to relax and conk out. You know that feeling, right?"

Santiago nods. Ms Wright sighs, already tired out by the topic she's about to switch to.

"You see, I work as a local bartender. It can be a pretty tough job, but with only my high school diploma, this is the best I can get right now.. If I had more options, I'd love to work at a flower shop."

He hums to respond. "Being a bartender seems annoying."

"IT IS! Ugh, and the people I have to deal with sometimes? Horrible. The bar opens at 10(pm), and closes at 6(am), so imagine the customers we have. It's dangerous."

Santiago nods again.

Ms Wright snorts a bit at this awkward response, seemingly expecting more. "You're a bit different than what Archer usually brings in. Most of the time, I can hear his friends and him coming from the hallway to our apartment."

Santiago scratches his face awkwardly. "I'm not really sure if we're friends yet. We've only known each other for a day."

She tilts her head, but nods in understanding. "Well, Archer should stay friends with good mannered kids like you."

Santiago feels his heart ache a tinge when she says this, trying to suppress a smile while looking at the ground.

"Now, it's getting quite dark. Have your parents called or texted you? Will you stay for dinner or go home?"

"Oh." He flinches at the mention.

"..My parents haven't texted back yet.. I think I'll stay here for a while longer."

Her brow furrows a bit, but she smiles warmly after.

"Well, that's alright. Now, I think my son wants to see you. You go, I'll be out here tending to the plants." She motions her head to the screen door, where Archer waves at Santiago with a smile. How long has he been there ?

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