Chapter Twenty - Nine

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He hated how she never listened, how she always made it about her when he was the one suffering from all the things she'd done. If he hadn't been so blinded by her own ignorance and selfishness things could have gone very differently for them.

They could have been married by now, maybe had a few kids along the way and spent the rest of their lives happy together, but she fucked that all up and now there was no chance of ever making things right between them again.

All he could think of when he looked at her was how badly he wanted to make this selfish, spoiled, ungrateful little bitch pay for what she had done to him.

"Get a move on!" Christian, ordered, pushing her to walk faster, only pissing him off further when she wouldn't do as she was told.

He could see she kept limping on one leg and complaining that she cut her foot and couldn't walk the rest of the way.

Back then, he would have gone to the ends of the earth and back for her again to help her and probably carried her the rest of the way, but now all he did was want to make her suffer and hurt her, just like how she hurt him for all those years.

"Please I can't walk," she kept whimpering, as she stood there, not wanting to take another step closer to the door." Some glass is stuck in my foot and I can't get it out."

"Not my problem," he stated, shoving her through the small entrance of the door while Vinnie and Dallas stood beside her blocking her from going anywhere, in case she got any ideas of escaping him. " Now move. It's show time!"

Once they got inside, Christian noticed Aurora looking around at the distorted dwelling as she stared longly out the window, lost in a trance.

It was morning already and the sun was beaming through it, reflecting down on her long, platinum-blonde hair and radiant, milky-white skin. She was so beautiful.

The way she stood there, looking all frail and forlorn that just the sight of her made him almost want to rethink his decision and call off the deserving punishment he felt she so badly warranted. He hated the effect she still had on him.

He hated how in spite of everything, he was still so madly in love with her, even though he knew he should have felt nothing but hatred and disgust instead of feeling the way he did for her.

He had to keep reminding himself that he couldn't get sidetracked and let himself be controlled by his wounded heart and his dick - he had to stick to what he'd set out to do to her today. She wasn't going to get the better of him. Not this time.

"So what's the plan, boss?" Vinnie asked, as he looked at the place and pulled his face in disgust ." Because godamn, this place is one stinkin' fucking wreck."

Vinnie was right, this place was one huge lamentable disaster area. He'd been in some real shabby, run-down houses, before but this place was a complete and utter shit hole.

There was dust and cobwebs covering every window in the house, with graffiti written on the walls and old beds and tables all lay on top of one another in a disorderly cluttered mess on the floor, amidst the enormous junk pile of bricks scattered everywhere.

Before he had been strategically planning all this, he'd had to kick a few stoners out that had recently taken residency here.

The only people dumb enough to pass through here were either drug addicts and homeless people, which made it perfect for what he had planned to do - with no cops and outside interferences getting in the way.

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