14~ One In All Mean

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( Flashback)


I never thought my life will be so blissful and the sole reason is my Taru...

It's been 5 years we both are officially Lovers. Now I'm 24 and Tara is 21.

I completed my Master in business studies and from last year I started my new startup business. Even Kabir also joined in his father business. He is in training phase because he is the next CEO.

Firstly My mama suggested me to take over his business but I rejected politely because I want to be a independent businessman. He agreed. But he is helping me in my business and I'm more than happy.

My sister, she completed her 12th and decided to join Fashion designing.
She got seat in Singapore Fashion Designing College. Currently she is in Singapore.

Coming to my Taru. She is always interested in Account subject so she took Commerce stream.

1month back she got her degree result and as usual my girl got 1st rank in university. Now she applied for her some course.

In this 5 years our love grown day by day more. We both meet daily after our work. Sometime I used to sneak in her house with the help of Sam.

Morning she called and said she wanted to meet me...so I'm going to meet her now....

⏳(time skip)

We both are sitting in park.
She said
"Adi congratulate me first"

I smiled at her enthusiasm and said
" Congratulations my dear Little Devil...now tell me the reason "

She held my hand and said
" I got seat in XXXXX college for my further study and it is one of the best college for account stream in Bengaluru. "

I hugged her because I'm very happy...but wait she said Bengaluru
" where ?"

She replied
"Bengaluru Adi"

Coming out of hug I said her
" No you are not going anywhere "

She replied
" Listen Adi I know it's difficult leave without you. But try to understand please it's just 10months course after that I will have many opportunities please adi ...please love"

After lot of arguement, without saying anything I left from there.

(Time skipped)

1week later

" I will miss you Adi"...
She said while hugging me.

I didn't replied so she continued
" I know Adi you are mad at me but please love it's just 10 months try to understand. "

I kissed her temple and said
" Don't worry My love always over power on anger ...but take care and call me daily...and don't cry"...

Saying that we drove back to Delhi.

Firstly I'm completely against her wish but after 3 days of her starving I agreed. Me, kabir and sam came to drop her Bengaluru.

Kabir dropped me at my home and it's already 10.30 ...without eating anything I went to my room.

Actually I'm not against her wish but I just afraid loose her.

Mom don't like Tara. I know she will never easily agree to our relationship.

I wanted marry Tara badly after her graduation but this girl. Let it be another 10months. I will wait...

We both are already one in all mean. Just waiting for marriage. Looking at her photo I slept.



It's my first day in Bengaluru today I reached here. It's already night I'm laying on my bed. I'm in PG room.

He wanted to marry me after my graduation . I know he afraid to loose me but my education is also important.

I don't know why he thinks that convincing his mother is too difficult.

In this 5years we both shared many moments. Everyday my love and respect increased for him.

Not only mentally and emotionally even we are involved physical relationship too.

Yes... last year on our 4th year anniversary, we both went to goa to celebrate and we made love there. Its blissful.

Honestly it's completely in conscious state. We both are wanted that. I'm happy that I lost my virginity with him. It's first time for both of us.

There is no hint of guilt.

We both are one in all mean.



Tara and Adi both are maintaining long distance relationship. 4 to 5 times they call daily eachother...nonstop talk, face time.

Even monthly two times Adi used to go meet Tara to Bengaluru. Due to her study she can't able to come Delhi.

Like this 9 months passed.

Day after Tomorrow is Tara's birthday. Adi already planned to surprise visit and birthday plan.

There is only one moth to complete her course.
Both are eagerly waiting to become and marry.

But they both are unknown to upcoming storm. What future held for them?.....


Hi Guys...
I know today's update is boring but it's necessary.
And in 2-3 chapter this past will end and continues with present.


Stay Happy Stay Healthy😊
Love you all❤

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