Part 11

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                                      - Maria -

'I'm just coming to uhm..take you to school!-' I heard the woman beside me speak before I could even get a word out.

'You are?!' I saw my little girls eyes light up and that made me melt. But was Lydia okay with this?

I quickly looked over. She was already looking at me. Shit. I raised a brow at her and she just shrugged with a grin.

God I loved when she smiled like that. I just loved...I sighed but nodded at her.

'Yeah, you know I am!' She seemed so enthusiastic as she stood, Lili rushing to her and she raised her hands and Lydia picked her up, hugging her tight.

God this was too cute. My two favourite girls..

I heard Lili giggle as she was put back down.

'So, what was it that you wanted to show me, Princess?' I questioned her, as she grinned at me, rushing away.

'You didn't have to do that.' I sighed as I spoke, turning to her but she just smiled.

'Forget it, Im happy to take her and she seems happy so.' I heard her smile in her tone and that made me smile too.

I heard the loud thumping of my daughter coming back down. Clutching paper in her hand. 'Now I can show Ms. Corbyn too!'

I gulped. Oh god.

'Uncle Larson said you were too far away in the last one! But I drew you closer!' She grinned, showcasing her missing teeth again.

She placed down a replica of the last drawing she did. Of me and Lydia..and her. God what would she think.

'Now we can all be close and best friends forever!' She nodded to herself as if agreeing.

God this sweet, innocent child.

'Well isn't that sweet.' I heard another voice and I was surprised to meet the gaze of Lydia. She wasn't..mad?

'Uh- yes- yes!' I didn't mean to sound that enthusiastic, but I just covered my mouth and laughed at myself a little. I heard Lydia let out a small giggle too.

My little girl seemed very pleased with this response and then crawled up onto the bar stool, which always made me scared she would fall. She sat for a moment and then spoke soft.

'Can I have breakfast please mama?' She had such good manners. I felt pride in my parenting for that.

'Of course. Just cereal?' I spoke soft back and she nodded quickly.

'Yes please!' She then turned to the bar stool next to her and patted it.

'Ms. Corbyn! Sit with meeee!' She yelled like she was excited to make a new best friend.

Lydia obliged and sat down, smiling which made her eyes squint and her face scrunch up, the way Lili's did. She was so beautiful. I shook my head and turned my back to them while I made cereal for my baby.

                                 - Lydia -

Well. This very much wasn't what I expected. I mean not that I was complaining. I now had a little girl next to me, pointing at every ring I had and asking what it was.

'Mama used to have a ring, but she doesn't have it anymore!' She whispered quickly to me. 'She said it's because the man that gave her it wasn't very nice.' She nodded in solidarity to her own mother's words.

God this wasn't my business.

'Well yes, sometimes, it's better to return the ring if that person is mean, because that isn't love.' She smiled a little. 'Rings sometimes symbolise love, and your mamas probably did but if someone is a big meanie to someone else, returning the ring makes them leave them alone.' I explained quite excessively but she nodded at every word, hanging onto them like I was a God or something.

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