Part 27

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                                    -  Lydia -

I tucked my hair behind my ears, it kept getting in the way of my sight. I was trying to write up a few emails, but to be honest, with Lili in the room it was pretty hard. Not that she was a nuisance, just that i wished I could sit and paint with her.

I did notice Lili always has a love for paint. She made all these beautiful paintings when she had the time, for a child that is. I fiddled with the pens on my desk and I heard a loud slam as I looked up to see a very excited Meredith approaching.

She didn't pay notice to Lili as she immediately slid a chair over to sit on, facing me.

'Lydia! Sash informed me thattt..' I paused raising a brow. She had talked to me roughly about her and Sasha when we had the time. I had been so busy lattely, I didn't even realise.

'That?' I questioned, fiddling with the ends of my hair as she grinned very widely.

She stared back, looking at Lili, who was engrossed in painting and then stared back to me. She whispered gently to me. 'Double date, us, Sasha..Mariaaaa..' she giggled as the spoke.

'Are you serious? When was this planned? I'm not prepared!' I whispered yelled and I saw her eyebrows knit together into a frown.

'And what about Lili? What happens to her?' I sighed, rubbing my temples as she rested her hand on my shoulder.

'Relax! Maria agreed, okay? It will be good for us..' she sighed, rubbing her hand over my shoulder gently.

'We aren't even official yet!' I groaned, leaning back in my chair. I felt the pressure release from my shoulders. I looked between my fingers that were covering my face to see her smirking.

'Speak of the devil..' she whispered and I felt her slide away. I looked up at the sight of my favourite woman. Her soft eyes seemed to be questioning me. I bet I looked so stupid, my head in my hands.

She chuckled as she watched Meredith rush off. I stood up and immediately brushed myself off with a little urgency.

'So, uhhh, what was that about then?' She smiled, crossing her arms over her chest. I instantly felt myself gravitate to her and hugged into her. God I missed it, it helped me ground myself.

'Woahhh..' I laughed at her tone of voice and looked up at her. 'Sorry, needed a hug.' I smiled as I felt her sides, wrapping my arms around them.

'So..did you know about this whole..double date thing?' I whispered gently in her ear as I leant up, placing my head on her shoulder. How were we not official yet, but like this?

'I did..I was hoping you'd be on board..I could be fun?' She chuckled and I nodded, rolling my eyes. 'Fun with those two?' I joked and she laughed. Bingo. I loved her beautiful laugh.

'In all seriousness, I think I'll come, it will be fun, I agree.' I found the words falling from my mouth before I could utter a no. Anything to make her happy. Anything.

'Great.' She smirked and I let her go.

'Lili! Let's go baby!' I heard her yell as her hands ran through her hair. God she was such a good mother.

                                  - Maria -

I had got Lili home. Got her washed, changed, packed for a night away. God I don't think I'd left her a full night for a while. She was my baby. I didn't want to leave my baby.

She was sat with her hair in pigtails and grinning at me. She loved going to her auntie Nadia's. I didn't like it so much, but my brother and mom were busy. But, Lili liked it there so. All I had to do was drop her off and get off.

I slipped my shoes on and Lili was holding her little backpack with a big cat design. It was her favourite bag, she demanded to use it. It was impractical, but it was something she wanted.

She followed me to the car, after I locked the door. I got her in and buckled up and she hummed to the radio music. That's one thing I love about Lili, she never had a problem with any kind of music. Made car journeys easier.

The outfit I had picked, was very impractical for driving though. I pulled the hem of it down so it stoped riding up on my thigh. I pulled the mirrors down in the car. Touching up my makeup in the reflection. I really wanted to impress Lydia, I couldn't lie.

'You're so pretty mama..' I heard beside me. My heart melted as I turned to look at my little girl. She was looking up at me, innocent as anything as she spoke. God it meant so much more coming for her.

'You're so pretty too, baby..' I gently rubbed my thumb over her cheek. She giggled at me and seemed very fixated on my rings.

They do say children love shiny things.

                                   - Lydia -

I fiddled with my straw to my lemonade. I wasn't a big drinker. Never was a big drinker. Sasha and Meredith were practically all over each other. Maria had texted to say she was just dropping off Lili. I missed her.

I heard clicking along the floor and shot my head up to meet the gaze of her. She was so beautiful, in a medium length tight red dress. It complimented her beautifully, all of her. She smiled and found herself a seat beside me. My eyes never left hers.

'So, I think it's finally time we get things started!' I heard a loud announcement from the other side of the table. It made me pry my eyes from Maria's to see Sasha. She seemed very enthusiastic. Perfect match for Meredith if I was honest.

'What are we getting started?' I heard Maria's beautiful laugh paired with the smooth tone. She's so perfect.

'Uhm..Ly?' I heard Meredith say from across to me. I perked up and noticed everyone staring at me. Fuck. Maybe I was staring at Maria a little too long?

'Fuck. Sorry.' I laughed awkwardly and I felt Maria rest her hand on my thigh. Probably to calm me, but it just upped my nervous. My stomach was doing summersaults.

'So..' I saw Sasha giving a suggestive look between u. 'What are you two?'

I paused at her words. Tensing up, turning to quickly look at Maria, who was more fixated on the table. Fuck, we didn't even know what we were.

'What so your a hookup or?-' she questioned, stuffing her face with the bread they give you for free.

'She's my girlfriend.' I heard Maria pipe up. I turned to her with widened eyes.

The way it came off her lips, I could get used to that.

'Yeah..' I squeezed her hand under the table, looking into her eyes. 'Girlfriends.'



I love my girls and I hope you all love them too!

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