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It's been 3 months since I've been accepted as an associate attorney of the Helio Law Firm. The pay is good, but I still have a slight problem- and that is...

"KYAAAAAA!!!!", a woman's loud scream echoed in the building.
"Did someone faint again?", I ask my co-worker Irina, yet she doesn't answer. To check if she's still alive, I got up from my seat and went to her cubicle. Without further ado, I checked her pulse on her neck, and wrist. Fortunately, she's still breathing.

"What do you think you're doing!? GO BACK TO WORK!!!", says by the person who doesn't do a single thing, my useless senior, Mr. Ernest. I don't know why he's still around here, shouldn't he be fired for being such an asshole? He's giving us too much work while he only plays solitaire on his PC.

"Yes sir, I apologize" I bow my head with an empty look before returning to my seat. The moment I sat down, my colleague Caindel nudged me.

"You seem down, can I treat you later?" he whispers.
"No thank you" I immediately respond. Caindel Green, he's been trying to flirt with me ever since I got here. He's known for being a playboy, and apparently, he only got the job because of his tycoon parents. I told him to stop already but it seems like my words are meaningless.

A few hours later, during lunch, gossips around the cafeteria suddenly becomes louder. I placed my tray next to the new intern Eunice, and asks;
"Eunice, who got fired today?"
"Hmm? No one, why ask?" she smiled.
"Then what are they gossiping about?" I ask as I slice the meat on my tray.
"Don't you know Ms. Y/N, there's a rumor that Mr. Darius will be transferred in a different department!" she gleamed from excitement. Before I knew it, I jumped out from my seat and slammed the table.

"Is that really true!?" my eyes glowed as everybody stared at me for creating a commotion.
"Ms. Y/N calm down" Eunice looked at me anxiously.
"Don't worry Eunice! Mr. Darius doesn't like going to the cafeteria so rest assured!" I smiled at her before taking a seat and telling her how much I hate the manager. As she listened to my rants, I can see her face stiffening. Is she nervous that we'll get caught gossiping?

"Anyways, I'm really glad that I won't see that old man's face anymore. What do you think Eunice? Isn't it great that we'll finally get a break from his na-" before I finished my statement, Mr. Darius grabbed me by the hair. Eunice immediately stood up to plead him to stop but it was useless. As his grip tighten, he suddenly dragged me out of my chair while I beg him to stop pulling. Everyone looked at me with concern, but no one dared to stop him.

"Please stop this!" Eunice, despite having shaky legs, stopped him on his tracks by standing up for me.
"Don't you think you're being too harsh!?" she screamed at the top of her lungs. As he finally catches on, he finally lets go of my hair. I immediately fixed my hair by brushing it off with my fingers.

"Ms. Y/N, apologize to me right now." Mr. Darius commanded.
"You're a senior attorney sir, but it appears to me like you don't know the basic work ethics." I scoffed and glared at him.
"Aren't you the one to talk, Ms. Y/N. Your attitude right now is showing how unrefined you are." he responds.
"Oh my, but as far as I'm aware-I'm just stating facts, sir. What I said about you is nothing but the truth. You're useless, irresponsible, unprofessional, unreliable, and you're not someone who deserves respect." I said before smiling at him with the pettiest smile he could ever see in his lifetime. Not being able to talk back, his intrusive thoughts won. As he was about to slap me, a man with striking silver hair, and sapphire eyes, entered the cafeteria.

"What's the commotion all about?" his deep voice echoed in the room full of silence. As he walks towards us, I can feel my heartbeat rising. I can clearly hear his footsteps getting louder as the distance between us shortens. Before I knew it, most of my coworkers, as well as Eunice who got swept in the act, bowed down.

"What's this all about?" he asks.
"Good afternoon sir!" Mr. Darius greets him enthusiastically before bowing.
"Aren't you Japanese?" he looks at him coldly.
"Yes si-", before he could even finish, the man kicks Mr. Darius's stomach, as he bowed lower.
"If you're Japanese then shouldn't that bow be 90 degrees?" he smirked as I froze there in shock. All I could do is flinch as he walks closer to me. As he stares at me as if he's seen an alien species, he finally opens his mouth and says;

"Will you marry me?" I blinked several times to process his words. As he smiles at me, seemingly waiting for my answer, I can feel my heart beating fast due to the confusion. I wonder what my face looks like now. Am I blushing? Seriously, did this man just proposed to me? Why is he acting like this? Did he hit his head or something?

So, what's your answer? My jaw is starting to hurt" he stared at me with a loving gaze.

Is this man really serious?

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