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Despite Gloria's words echoing in the back my mind, I returned back to my apartment to prepare for the dinner Julio had planned for us. He had been nothing but sweet to me, I owed him that much.

As I put the finishing touches on my makeup, the doorbell rang, and I knew it was Julio. Slipping on my heels and grabbing my purse, I made my way to the door, ensuring to switch off all the lights I passed on the way.

Opening the door, Julio's appearance graced my front step. His dark hair slicked back with gel accentuating the smile on his face, which made him look more attractive.

"Look at you, all dressed up." My eyes skimmed over his fitting three piece suit, savoring the view.

"I could never look as lovely as you do right now," Julio replied, his eyes wandering to all parts of my dress.

I lightly smiled and tapped his shoulders to draw his attention back, "Don't want to be late, do we?"

"Certainly not," he agreed.

Locking the door behind me, i latched onto Julio's arm as he led us out of the building and towards his car. When I asked where we were going, knowing he wasn't good at keeping secrets, he simply replied, "Dinner reservations."

After a long, silent drive, we arrived at a five-star restaurant that I immediately recognized as one owned by one of my dad's business partners. I hadn't been there in a really long time, and it stirred up memories I'd rather keep buried deep.

Stepping out of the car, I waited for Julio as he handed his keys to the valet. When he turned to me, he said, "Shall we?"extending his arm, I found myself frozen in place. Genuine confusion flickered in his gaze as he spoke, "Is there something wrong, flower, you don't like the place?"

I snapped out of my reverie, realizing I hadn't moved yet. Offering him a smile, I replied, "No, it's not that. I appreciate you arranging this for me. It's just been a really long time since I was here... with anyone."The last person I could remember coming here with was my mother, fifteen years ago. Sometimes I felt like I had been here even after she left. It wasn't her absence that unnerved me about this place; it was something else, something intangible yet palpable. A mother's love was something I had never experienced, no matter how many outings she arranged or gifts she gave. To her, I was just a trophy, and I had always known it.

Julio didn't pry, instead offering me a warm smile as he placed his hands lightly on the small of my back. "Well, that's the beauty of memories. You get to keep them and make more at the same time," he said reassuringly.

I nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over me. Julio certainly had a way with words, and I doubted my dad had coached him on that.

Gloria was just overthinking things.

"After you, Mr. Romanov. We wouldn't want to lose our table, would we?" I joked, attempting to lighten the mood. Julio extended his arm once again, and this time I didn't hesitate to take it.

As we walked through the glass doors, the familiar scent of the restaurant filled my nostrils, accompanied by soft, sweet music playing in the background. I pushed away the nostalgia that threatened to overwhelm me, reminding myself that whatever had happened in the past stayed there. Tonight, I was here with Julio, and maybe, just maybe, we would take the next step forward in whatever we had going on.

Julio guided me to the table he had reserved, his hand a comforting presence against the small of my back. A smile graced my lips as he pulled out a chair for me, a gesture so chivalrous it felt like a relic of a bygone era. As I settled into my seat, Julio took his place opposite me, his gaze lingering on me with a hint of contemplation.

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