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I will pluck you,

My flower.

My eyes shot open and I instantly sat up, gasping for air. The abrupt awakening left me trembling, my body drenched in sweat, my heart racing with fear.Gingerly, I reached for my neck, where I felt it, the hand. It felt so real.

After a few minutes, I felt my body finally relax, I sighed looking around  my environment, I was in a room but it wasn't my room. I ripped the blanket off me, taking wobbled steps towards the door of the room, for some reason I felt weak. With a deep breath, I steadied myself and approached the door.

I emerged into the hallway, looking around the familiar structure of this place as I walked, i suddenly realized that I was at the Safe house.

Questions flooded my mind, each more urgent than the last. How did I get here?, what time is it?, how long have I been here? The last thing I remember before waking up was...

Sloan killed Carlotta.

I gulped in fear, I was born in a family that associated with dead bodies but I never actually got to see one. My father made sure of that. Everything else is a blur in my head but I needed to speak to Sloan.

Feeling a bit parched, I made my way to the kitchen to pour myself a glass of water. The cool feeling of the liquid slithered down my throat as I took wholesome gulps. I slammed the glass on the counter, my head spinning.

"Look who's up."

I narrowed my eyes to the figure that stood at the entrance of the kitchen and I instantly recognized the arrogant voice that spoke. I refrained from rolling my eyes cause either ways he won't see it.

I met his gaze with a glare, barely containing my frustration. "What are you doing here, Web?"

"Good to see you too, Jas." he replied, his smirk infuriatingly intact.

"Get out."

He chuckled, unfazed by my hostility. "You do realize this is a safe house, right?" He cocked his brows. I wanted to wipe that arrogant smirk off his face.

A gust of wind stirred the kitchen curtain and the moonlight shun through it casting an ethereal glow in the kitchen. I looked towards the moon and I wondered.

"How long have I been asleep?"

"Not asleep, passed out."


"Huh, you don't remember," he scratched the back of his head in contemplation then he mumbled , "Well I guess it's best you don't."

"Web," I scowled at him, I wasn't in the mood for one of his antics, "What happened?"

"I'm not saying shit, you're brothers will kill me if I do."

"Oh please," I rolled my eyes at him, "When have you ever cared about what my brothers think."

"I'm sorry, but I can't."

I bristled at his refusal, my frustration reaching a boiling point. "I don't need to know what happened to me, I just need to know what happened to Sloan,"

With my keen observation, I watched as his body visibly stilled at my words confirming my thoughts. He knew something that I didn't. He regained composure and with a chillingly calm voice, he said, "You don't need to worry about Sloan."  He took a few steps forward until he was just a foot away from me, he reached out and put his hands on my arm "You know, we were really good together, Jas." He began to softly stroke my arm. A feeling within me began to grow.

Irritation. This was irritating.

Web and I had history together, I can't call what we had a 'relationship', we just fumbled a bit with each other until I got sent off to college. When I did come home, I saw him occasionally but things had changed, I knew we couldn't continue whatever we were doing and I made it clear to him. He didn't take it well at first, but after my brothers roughed him up a bit, he got the message.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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