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Let me guess the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear Cruvla is a Disney villain isn't it? Well that's not quite who we're talking about in this story. No, this story is much more interesting. This is a demon with a past like no others. But, will get to that later for now let's talk about her. So this girl who died in 1929 is now in Hell she's pure white like a vampire and is made of ink. Her flapper dress made of ink with slight white spots for you to see where the jewels are supposed to be. Her hair made out of ink as well in a typical short haired woman's 20s style. And along with her eyes also made of ink but like her dress a white dot to circulate her pupils.
Cruvla is a very famous actress down here in hell. Well sorta she mostly just has one show. But when she was alive; she was the biggest thing in Hollywood. But her life, was destroyed by one man. And that man was a rapist. Let's say he's the reason why she's rotting in this dumb. Did she mind, yeah sorta, did she cry a lot? Yeah she did, did she drown her sorrows in alcohol and cigarettes? Multiple of times. Is she getting revenge? Hell. Yes. She. Is.
The lights of the studio shined on Cruvla as her eyes opened. She had never had this much of a hangover before and had always told herself she never would, but here she was half way passed out by a garbage can waiting for it all to come up. All though it didn't feel like she had to she still wanted to make sure it was all out. And then guess who ruins it all. The big man who thinks he can try and take advantage of an unaware girl. But, he's wrong. Even though Cruvla could be drunk of her ass and not be able to complete full sentences it's not like she was completely dumb founded.
As soon as the man came about four inches in reach of her she grabbed his leg and threw him towards the wall. "What the hell Cruvla?!" And that's when she finally snapped out of it. That was not another creep coming to harass her well she was unconscious, that was Henry. Henry and Cruvla had been friends for a while now ever since they were both 12. And that was in 1922.
Cruvla's eyes widened at the sound of his voice and she tried to pick herself up. "Henry! What the hell are you doing here?" Cruvla finally was able to get on her feet and run over to Henry. "I was trying to get to you know for the meeting. With Mammon. Or are you too wasted to remember?"
"No, no I remember I just didn't know we were doing it this early."
"Cruvla it's 2pm."
Cruvla rubs her eyes hoping that this was all illusion but Henry is still. His blue butterfly human body with blood all of over him. He always had blood over him it was just part of his design. Part of him as a demon. "Guess I just kind of passed you think Mammon will still let us in?" Cruvla asked somehow knowing she was already fucked. "Of course he will! The only thing he ever does is count his money and sleep with Ella or go on dates with her but yeah."
"But, he doesn't have a show?"
"Nah, he and Ella had better things to do."
"Alright then...we should go then."
"Agreed....if you're sober enough."
"The fuck you mean?! Of course I'm sober asshole!" As she says these words her pupil slips down to the ground but Henry just brushes off.
"Let's go fuck muck!
Cruvla grabs his collar and runs off, Henry was secretly crying inside because he did not want to see Mammon because there was 80% chance Asmodeus would be there.

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