Annoying goat man

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And there he was the man we all wanted to avoid, Asmodeus. Mammon groans well Henry starts to fidget, "Are you fucking kidding me." Cruvla whispers, Asmodeus goat horns were a hot pink and black, goat fur surrounding his body instead of his chest. A black v-cut shirt hiding another his pink pimp coat, his singil (a singil is a logo that represents or summons a demon) on the back of his coat as if it were burned in his back, and of course his fresh nets and stiletto's being the only thing to cover his legs, and of course his pure black eyes with pink pupils. His waist was so curved it looked like he could be wearing a corset.
  "What do you want Asmodeus I told you last time I didn't want to see your stupid goat face here again!" Mammon said finally getting up from his throne. "Oh Mammy stop being so mean," Asmodeus said in a mocking and playful tone, "I'm just here to see my best friend, oh look it's Cruvla. Hey Hot Chick!"
   Asmodeus waves to Cruvla uncontrollably Cruvla just looks away ignoring him. "Fine fuck you then," Asmodeus flips her off and snaps his neck back to Mammon, "Anyway old friend, I heard that hot ink chick was doing all of blah, blah, and I wanted to see if I can get involved because I'm board and want to become more is that okay?"
  Mammon groans pushing him away, "Oh no you not! Last time you pushed me into the damn military and tried telling them I was the devil!" Cruvla holds back her laughter trying not to die again, but Mammons sharp gaze makes her regain her composure. "And plus," Mammon adds on, "You keep on trying to hit on Ella. So no."
    Ella was Mammons soon to be wife, that would just be true if they were allowed to get married, deadly sins are not allowed to get married, this is because if they did get married there will be more sins and a different level of that sin and it will all be a mess.
   "Oh come on you know Ella likes me." Asmodeus says rubbing his hands through his hair (fur) well bitting his lip. Mammon pushes him again this time throwing him into the wall. "Anyways," Asmodeus said trying to get back up.
  "I just want to help okay, I'm not going to hit on Ella, or anyone else I just want to come with you and trauma cults here."
   Trauma cults were what everyone called Henry and Cruvla everyone knew about when they were alive and although Henry will admit Cruvla likes to keep her disappointments to herself.
   Mammon stays silent for a minutes before looking over at Henry and Cruvla, he sighs, "Well what do you guys think? Should he come?"
    Cruvla is confused by Henry's eagerness until he whispers something in her ear, with a large sigh Cruvla agrees to let Asmodeus come.
   "You guys are amazing," Asmodeus replies, "I promise I will never say any hurtful words instead maybe, maybe kys when I'm mad. . . But other than that we're fine we're cool." Wirh that Asmodeus does a spin letting his siginil glow as he disappears, "Your lucky your smart," Cruvla whispers to Henry.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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