Mammons Palace

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There they stood. The palace that hold of the seven deadly sins, those fuckers where lucky enough to get their own part of a mansion, yes they all lived together but just think of it hotel but there's seven put together and one person lived in one of the whole hotels and the other lived in the other whole hotel and you get it. Secretly they both did not want to join Mammon but they knew he would be the best option for them. Since he is the sin of well Greed. He could help a lot.
   The big mansion already screamed we were fucked but it had to be done. This would be our only hope to the mortal realm (or Earth if you didn't get that) You probably want to know why they were trying to get to the mortal realm in the first place. Well it's quite simple actually all they need to do to become a higher in hells hierarchy you know to be queens and stuff they need to collect mortal souls. And who else to help them than a king themselves.
   Cruvla and Henry long at the door that brings them to Mammons palace. None of them want to make the move to open the door but one of them has to. They give a look to each other than Cruvla decides to open the door, and there he was sitting on his throne his one leg on the rest of the chair and the other one just hanging, he must have been about 10ft tall to the normal human being, but to them he was only a few inches taller. A green suit that screamed mafia boss, although he'd never admit it. A yellow cloth inside of his suit that should have been for a tie. Green eyes with yellow pupils and hair slicked back.
   Mammon notices their presence but is unfazed by it, instead he just continues to read the book that he held in his hand. "Why hello there, you guys must be Henry and Cruella."
  "It's Cruvla."
  Cruvla says in a harsh tone Henry already feels like he should leave. Mammon finally looks up from his book and at them closing it. He chuckles seeming annoyed, "Well it says right here in the book of souls that your Cruella Ultria,"
   With that Mammon shows them both the book he was reading The Book of Souls, it says. "Well it got in wrong then, my name is Cruvla."
   "Oh I get it your one of those poor dudes who changed their name because their insecure." Mammon gives a smug smile as Cruvla's fist  clench together. She was not insecure at least she didn't want to admit it. "So anyways you guys want me to help you become queens and blah, blah, blah etc. So tell me why? Why would imps like you guys want to be more."
   "Why would a pri-"
    Henry covers her mouth before she can finish her sentence. "Well sir see my friend here and I would just like uh higher power and that's pretty much it."
  Mammon rest his hands on his chin as if he is thinking, "Huh was expecting you guys to say bitches but okay I'll help but unfortunately I have a show tomorrow and today just no. So maybe I'll help you on Thursday. 'Kay?"
    Cruvla sighs, but Henry seems satisfied. "Okay thank you sir you won-" And then again he's cut off, the door opening wide without a knock, "Why hello Babes,"

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