Chapter 5: That's Bestie

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I was up all night thinking about my date with Jaden.

I genuinely had a good time, which I was shocked by. I mean yeah I had a good time at his party but there were moments where I would find him annoying. Especially when his arrogance was in full view; but last night, there was none of that.
What was driving me even crazier was what he had said about intention. What did he mean? Was he gonna try and date me now? Do I wanna date him; heck am I really in the head space to be dating anyone now?

My morning alarm rang and I got up and got ready for school. I was definitely nervous to go school today because I wasn't sure about how to act around Jaden now. After our conversation yesterday there's definitely a shift in our dynamic.

I had just finished getting ready when a  ping came from my phone. It was a message from Lorei telling me they'd be at my house in 15 minutes. The girls decided they'd give me a lift to school today because they just couldn't wait a few more hours for me to give them details about last night.

I made my way downstairs and just like yesterday my dad was finishing up making pancakes.

"Morning dad", I grabbed a plate and started stacking pancakes on it.

"Morning sweety. Be done in 10 minutes so I can drive you to school okay". Shit I had forgotten to tell him about the girls.

"Oh...uhm dad I forgot to tell you, the girls are giving me a lift to school today. So don't sweat it".

"Oh". I saw a look of hurt quickly flash in his eyes but it disappeared just as quickly as it appeared. "No problem sweety, I guess I'll arrive earlier at work today", he replied with a chuckle.

He passed me a small purple cooler bag, "This is your lunch".

I grabbed it from him and gave him a smile "Thanks dad".

I was rinsing my plate when my phone buzzed. It was a text from Lorei telling me they were outside. I placed the plate on the plate rack next to the sink, grabbed my school bag and cooler bag and made my way to the door. I passed my dad in the living room; "bye dad", I yelled.

"Bye Sweety, have a great day", he yelled back and I shut the door behind me.

Lorei had her head perked out the window of the driver's seat. "You're riding shotgun today", she yelled.

I laughed at her excitement and made my way to the passenger seat. I shut the door and I just as I was about to put on my seat belt, Jossette grabbed my shoulders from the seat behind me and said, "SPILL".

"What happened to 'good morning' or 'how are you'. You know, stuff that well mannered people say to each other at the beginning of the day".

"Amari please", Kaliyah groaned as she perked her head through the space between the passenger and drivers seat. "You're torturing us".

"Ok ok, let me just put my seatbelt on".

Lorei started the car and started driving. She looked at me out of the corner of her eye and asked, "Sooo? How was it?".

"Uhm, surprisingly good".

"Okay!", they all screamed at the same time.

"I was genuinely shocked you guys. Jaden suprised me honestly. I'm not gonna jump the gun and say there are layers to the guy but there's definitely more to him than what I had initially imagined".

"Kudos to Jaden", exclaimed Kaliyah.

"Did you guys kiss?", asked Jossette with a bit of excitement in her voice.

"Weirdly, no we didn't", I said. "but not in a weird way where it was for lack of chemistry, no. It was more like it didn't make sense for last night. Last night was kinda him peeling back the covers a bit and trying to let me determine if I like what I see", I finished.

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