I Don't Know How to Unlove You

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In whispered echoes, I heard your goodbye.
Understanding dawned, tears in my eyes.
Yet linger questions, heavy to bear.
Was departure easy, did you truly care?

You professed to love in moments past.
But now, in memories, it fades fast.
How do we retreat to a stranger's guise,
After shared laughter, tears, and sighs?

In the tapestry of our joy and pain,
Threads of bitterness and sweetness remain.
But how to unravel, how to untwine,
The love once cherished, now left behind?

I'm lost in the maze of our tangled affection,
Searching for answers, a new direction.
Yet in my heart, your presence still clings,
Unraveling the ties, how love stings!

West Java, April 2024.

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