7 Unexpected Gestures

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As Arjun settled at the dining table, a tempting array of his favorite dishes awaited him. He wasted no time in indulging his taste buds while his two mischievous  students engaged in playful banter.

In the midst of laughter and chatter, Arjun's mother turned to Meera with a question about cooking, triggering Rohan's characteristic laughter. "Meera, do you know how to cook? What dishes are you interested cooking in?" she inquired.

Rohan couldn't hold his laughter and burst out , "Cooking, Auntie Ji? Meera knows how to eat, but cooking? That's a different story!"

Meera shot him a glare, determined to defend her culinary skills. "Who said I don't know cooking? I can make tea, coffee, maggie, yippee, omelette – you name it! No one can beat me in those."

Rohan chuckled at her response, adding fuel to the fire. "Even a 5-year-old can make maggie! Forget about you."

Amidst their banter, Arjun suddenly choked on his food, catching Meera off guard. Reacting quickly, she reached for a glass of water which is hers and offered it to him. Arjun, surprised by her swift action, accepted the glass and took a sip, while Meera felt a rush of embarrassment wash over her.

Realizing her impulsive gesture, Meera awkwardly withdrew her hand, feeling a bit flustered. Arjun, however, looked at her with a hint of surprise and gratitude in his eyes. It was a brief but unexpected moment of connection between them.

*Little did she know, this simple act of kindness would mark the beginning of a journey filled with unexpected gestures and newfound connections.*

Arjun muttered a thank you, breaking the awkward silence, Meera hummed in response.

Turning to Rohan, she teased, "And what about you? Well, I can at least make maggie, but you can't even heat water."

Rohan rolled his eyes, retorting, "Yeah, yeah. And what about you? You can't even heat the oil properly."

Arjun interrupted their banter, he exclaimed, "Stop shouting like crows! I have a special surprise for both of you."

Meera's heart skipped a beat, wondering what the surprise could be, while Rohan exchanged a nervous glance with her.

Arjun continued, "I'll be giving you a surprise test, but since it's past ten now, be ready for it tomorrow."

Arjun's mother chimed in, "You can sleep here for tonight, Meera. You said your parents aren't at home, and Rohan, we've already informed your parents."

"There are two bedrooms on each side of Arjun's bedroom. Take whichever one you want," Arjun's ma said, gesturing towards the doors.

As Arjun's mother said it, Meera muttered a thank you to her,

While ,Rohan, ever the opportunist, seized the moment, "Bhaiyya, can I watch Netflix in your room?"

Arjun's reassuring smile spoke volumes as he nodded, granting Rohan permission.

Before Meera could even reach for the her room doorknob, Rohan's hand gripped hers, pulling her eagerly into Arjun's room with an impish gleam in his eyes. Meera couldn't help but chuckle at Rohan's enthusiasm, her gaze flickering between him and Arjun, who watched their antics with a fond smile.

"What are you up to, Rohan?" Meera inquired with playful suspicion as they entered Arjun's room.

"We're going to watch a movie, Meera," Rohan declared with the enthusiasm of a child in a candy store.

A soft blush tinted Meera's cheeks as she settled into the room, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness at the prospect of spending more time with Arjun.

As Arjun joined them, taking a seat beside her, Meera's heart skipped a beat, her senses tingling with his proximity.

With a flick of the switch, Rohan plunged the room into darkness, the only illumination coming from the soft glow of the TV screen. "What movie are we watching?" Meera inquired, her voice betraying a hint of apprehension.

"It's a horror movie," Rohan replied, his grin widening mischievously.

Meera's breath caught in her throat, her mind racing with a flurry of emotions. Horror movies were not her forte, and the thought of watching one in the darkened confines of Arjun's room sent a shiver down her spine. She swallowed hard, determined not to let her fears show, especially in front of Arjun.

As the movie began, Meera found herself tensing at every creak and rustle, her heart pounding in her chest. Rohan, ever the prankster, turned up the volume, amplifying the eerie soundtrack, much to Meera's dismay.

Sensing her discomfort, Arjun gently placed a hand on her shoulder, offering her his earbuds. "Here, listen to some music," he suggested, his voice warm and reassuring.

Grateful for the lifeline, Meera accepted the earbuds, feeling a rush of relief as the soothing melodies filled her ears, drowning out the unsettling sounds of the movie. As she closed her eyes, allowing the music to transport her to a calmer place, she felt Arjun's presence beside her, his comforting warmth seeping into her soul.

"Would you like to sleep on my bed, Meera?" Arjun's voice broke through her reverie, his concern palpable.

Meera hesitated for a moment, her mind flooded with conflicting emotions. The idea of resting in Arjun's bed felt both thrilling and intimidating, a silent acknowledgment of the growing bond between them. Yet, the thought of being surrounded by his scent, enveloped in his embrace, was undeniably tempting.

With a grateful nod, Meera accepted Arjun's offer, settling onto his bed with a sense of quiet contentment. As she nestled into the soft blankets, the scent of Arjun enveloping her, she felt a surge of warmth and safety wash over her and she drifted to sleep .

While Arjun and Rohan watched two to three horror movies in the darkness, their laughter mingling with the soft strains of music and Meera's peaceful slumber.


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