10 Revelation

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As soon as Rohan shared Meera's number, Arjun no time in reaching out to her, his fingers flying across the screen as he composed a message filled with genuine concern.

"Hey Meera, it's Arjun. Just heard you weren't feeling well. How are you doing? Let me know if there's anything I can do to help."

As he hit send, a wave of anticipation washed over him, hoping for a swift response from Meera, reassuring him that she was on the mend.

Meanwhile, his mother's voice interrupted his thoughts, her tone urgent yet filled with excitement.

"Arju beta, we have some news," she began, her words drawing his full attention. "Tomorrow, we're going to attend a relative's wedding in our hometown. So, remember to inform your tuition students about the holiday."

Arjun nodded in acknowledgment, mentally noting down the details of the upcoming event. But his mother wasn't finished yet.

"Oh, and one more thing," she continued, her voice taking on a lighter tone. "Your little cousin sister, Myra, is going to stay with us for a while. She's having some trouble with her studies, so your aunt thought it would be best for her to attend your tuition classes. Plus, she's transferred her college to our town."

Arjun listened intently, his mind already racing with thoughts of how to accommodate Myra's needs while balancing his responsibilities. Before he could respond, his mother wrapped up the conversation, leaving Arjun to ponder the implications of the sudden changes in their household dynamics.

The next day, as Arjun eagerly reached for his mobile, his heart fluttered with anticipation, hoping to find a message from Meera awaiting him. Yet, to his disappointment, his inbox remained empty, devoid of any communication from her.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Meera couldn't contain her excitement as she glanced at the message notification from her tutor. A mix of emotions flooded her as she hesitated to respond, feeling guilty for lieing .

In the midst of this silent exchange, Meera's mother interjected with news of their impending plans. "Meera," she called out, drawing her daughter's attention. "We have a wedding to attend today, so you need to get ready. And Rohan is coming along

Feeling guilty, Meera thought of telling the truth about her health to Rohan.

Wearing a pink saree adorned with intricate mirror work, Meera transformed into a vision of elegance as she prepared for the wedding. With each graceful step, she exuded an aura of ethereal beauty, resembling an angel descended from the heavens.

Accompanied by her mother, Meera made her way to the wedding venue, which conveniently happened to be just a street away.

Upon arrival, she warmly greeted the bride and presented her with a thoughtful gift before heading over to the food section with a wide grin adorning her face.

There, amidst a tantalizing array of culinary delights, Meera's eyes widened with delight. She spotted her mischievous brother, dressed in a smart ensemble of black pants and a crisp white shirt, though his refined appearance belied his penchant for mischief. Despite his gentlemanly facade, Meera knew all too well that he was anything but when it came to devouring ice creams with gusto.

As she surveyed the tempting spread of delicacies laid out before her - from savory pav bhaji and mouthwatering pani puri to refreshing cold drinks and indulgent gulab jamun - Meera couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement coursing through her veins. In that moment, surrounded by the sights and smells of the festive feast, she felt truly alive, ready to savor every moment of the joyous occasion.

As Rohan caught sight of Meera, mischief danced in his eyes, and he couldn't resist teasing her. "Well, well, Meercat," he greeted her with a mischievous grin, "why'd you have to go and spoil that beautiful saree by wearing it?"

Meera couldn't suppress an eye roll at Rohan's playful jab, but she didn't let it dampen her spirits as she made her way toward the ice cream stand, her anticipation evident in each step.

Yet, Rohan wasn't about to let her off the hook so easily. Closing the distance between them, he raised a skeptical eyebrow, his concern peeking through his teasing facade. "Hold on, Meercat," he interjected, a note of suspicion in his voice, "aren't you supposed to be down with a fever? What's with the ice cream?"

Before Meera could respond, Rohan's hand darted out to snatch the ice cream from her grasp, his protective instincts kicking in. But Meera, caught off guard, found herself blurting out the truth in a rush of guilt. "Bhaiyya, I... I don't have a fever," she confessed, her voice trembling with apprehension, "I skipped tuition classes to dodge a surprise test."

As the weight of her admission hung in the air, Meera's gaze flicked nervously to Rohan, unsure of how he would react. But before he could respond, their conversation was abruptly halted by the sound of approaching footsteps.

Turning to the source of the disturbance, Meera's heart sank as she locked eyes with Arjun, his expression a tumultuous mix of anger and disappointment as he overheard their exchange.


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