8 feelings

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In the waning hours of the night, with the darkness cloaking the world in its embrace, Arjun and Rohan found themselves reluctantly calling an end to their movie marathon. The horror flicks had taken their toll, leaving them both craving the solace of sleep.

As Rohan turned to bid his brother goodnight, he noticed Meera peacefully slumbering on Arjun's bed, her form illuminated by the faint moonlight streaming through the window.

A mischievous twinkle danced in Rohan's eyes as he teasingly remarked, "Ohh bhaiyya, looks like the witch sister of mine has taken over your bed. Where will you sleep now?"

Arjun chuckled softly at Rohan's jest, his gaze lingering on Meera's serene form with a hint of fondness.

"I'll sleep in the guest room, not a problem for a night," he replied,

by the way . "Tell me, it's your plan to get Meera scared by watching horror movies, right?" he had lightly scolded Rohan, his tone tinged with amusement but also a hint of concern for Meera's well-being.

Rohan, however, had simply chuckled in response, his eyes glinting mischievously in the dim light of the room. "It's just a small revenge, bhaiyya," he had admitted, his grin widening as he recalled the day's events.

"For the day she made me eat her handmade food. I pity for her future husband," how will he eat the food she made? Rohan had added with a playful smirk, his words laden with a mixture of jest and playful concern.

But as the words "future husband" escaped Rohan's lips, a sudden pang of unease gripped Arjun's stomach, sending a ripple of uncertainty coursing through him.

Rohan bid Arjun goodnight before retreating to his own room, leaving Arjun alone with his thoughts. As he settled into the guest room, the events of the past replayed in his mind, stirring a whirlwind of emotions within him.

The simple act of Meera offering him a glass of water, the same one she had sipped from moments ago, had sparked a flutter of unfamiliar emotions within him. The way he had accepted it without a second thought, only to be met with her shy blush, had left an indelible impression on his heart.

Her blushy cheeks, like delicate petals kissed by the morning dew, had stirred something deep within him-a warmth that he had never known before. And when he had sat beside her, offering her his earbuds in a gesture of concern, he had felt a sense of tenderness wash over him-a tenderness that he had never dared to show before.

The mere thought of sleeping on his bed, a space he had never allowed anyone to occupy, for her comfort had been a revelation-a testament to the unspoken bond that had begun to blossom between them. And as he lay in bed, his mind consumed by thoughts of Meera, he couldn't help but marvel at the unfamiliar territory he found himself navigating.

Arjun's realized he had forgotten to bring his water bottle from his room. With a sigh, he quietly slipped out of bed and made his way to Meera's room, intending to retrieve it without disturbing her sleep.

But as he entered her room, a scene unfolded before him that sent a chill down his spine. Meera lay tangled in her bedsheets, her brow glistening with sweat as she tossed and turned fitfully, her face contorted in the grip of a nightmare.

Instantly, Arjun's instincts kicked in, overriding any sense of hesitation or doubt. He approached her bedside with quiet determination, his heart pounding with concern for her well-being. Gently, he reached out and placed a hand on her shoulder, hoping to rouse her from the grip of her terrifying dreams.

"Meera, it's okay, wake up," he murmured softly, his voice a soothing melody in the midst of her turmoil. But Meera remained trapped in the clutches of her nightmare, her soft cries echoing in the silent darkness of the room.

Unable to stand by idly any longer, Arjun made a split-second decision. With a sense of urgency coursing through him, he leaned closer to Meera, his hand reaching out to envelop her in a reassuring embrace. "Hey, hey Meera, it's okay, it's just a dream," he whispered, his voice a beacon of light in the sea of her fears.

And then, without a second thought, he pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly against his chest as if to shield her from the horrors of her subconscious. In that moment, as he felt her trembling form pressed against his own, Arjun's heart swelled with a newfound sense of protectiveness-a desire to banish her fears and offer her solace in her time of need.

As he felt her gradually relax in his embrace, her breathing steadying against his chest, he knew with a certainty that he would do whatever it took to keep her safe-from the nightmares that haunted her dreams to the uncertainties that lurked in the waking world.

And as the echoes of her cries faded into the night,

As Meera slowly untangled herself from Arjun's embrace, a tumult of emotions swirled within her, each one vying for her attention. Her heart, though hesitant, whispered a longing to remain in his arms, to seek solace in the warmth of his embrace. But her mind, rational and guarded, urged her to maintain her distance

With a heavy heart, Meera took a step
back, her eyes avoiding Arjun's gaze as she attempted to compose herself. "Thank you and sorry to disturb your sleep, sir," she murmured softly, her voice tinged with a mixture of gratitude and regret.

Arjun's heart clenched at the sight of the dried tears staining Meera's cheeks, a silent testament to the turmoil she had endured. In that moment, a pang of empathy shot through him, igniting a fierce desire to ease her pain and offer her comfort in any way he could.

"You can sleep with my mom if you want to," Arjun offered, his voice gentle and reassuring as he rose from his bed, his concern for Meera etched in every line of his face.

But Meera shook her head, her resolve firm despite the tumult of emotions churning within her. "No sir, it's okay, I can," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper as she fought to maintain her composure.

With a nod of understanding, Arjun bid her goodnight before quietly exiting the room, leaving Meera alone with her thoughts. As she watched him go, a sense of confusion washed over her-confusion at the unexpected feelings that had begun to stir within her heart.

"Why am I feeling like this? Did I develop a crush on him?" Meera wondered aloud, her thoughts swirling in a whirlwind of uncertainty. "It's just a crush," she assured herself, attempting to dismiss the fluttering in her chest as nothing more than fleeting infatuation.

But as Arjun's smile lingered in her mind's eye, a faint glimmer of doubt tugged at the corners of her consciousness. What if it was more than just a crush? What if the connection she felt with Arjun ran deeper than she dared to admit?

And here, Arjun couldn't help but wonder: What are you doing to me, Meera?


So, how was the chapter?

NOTE: iam trying my best to upload the chapters daily and uploading reels too

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NOTE: iam trying my best to upload the chapters daily and uploading reels too. But their is no response. As you can see there is not even one comment in the chapter that i previously uploaded. Well honestly to say it disspoints me.

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