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Author POV

Zaayan entered inside and saw saahir was hugging jaanat and was having tears in his eyes.on the other hand d as soon as rayyan saw his baba he ran towards his room to do his homework. he was not expecting his father this early.usually he comes at 7 and today he came at 6.jannat saw zayyan and greeted her.innara went to bring water for her baba. Zayyan sat on the sofa opposite to jannat and sahir.zaayan took innara in his lap.

Zaayan: what happen saahir why are you crying??(Concerned)

Jaanat: saahir and innara go to your room and bring your homework. Call rayyan also!!(Saahir and inaara went to their room)

Zayyan was looking at jannat with raised eyebrows.

Zayyan: what happened to him??why was he crying??

Jannat: I slapped him today!!(Said while hugging him)

Zaayan: you did what??( Not believing her words)

Jaanat: i slapped him zayyan!!

Zayyan: why??

Jaanat filled him with everything that happened in his absence.

Jannat: look i already punished him now you won't scold him!!

Zayyan: why would I scold him jaana when you already punished him and he realised his mistake .(kissed her forehead)I know you must be feeling bad after hitting him.

Jannat: I am feeling very bad but it just happened.he was misbehaving alot!!

Zayyan: don't feel guilty!!he is your son.if he is doing something wrong then you have the right to punish him and bring him to the right track!!

Jannat: hmmm.can I order icecream for him??

Zayyan: yes you can!!now stop feeling guilty and tell me next week is your birthday, what do you want as a gift..

Jaanat: having you by my side is the biggest gift.i don't want anything else.

Zaayan: I know but I want to gift you something.

Jannat: what??

Zayyan: a trip!! wherever you want.

Jaanat: yeah good idea but you choose the destination.

Zaayan:okay but for now let me change.

Jannat:yeah go!!(Zayyan stood up)

Zaayan: jaana if you don't mind I would love to have a cup.of coffee made by you!!

Jannat: sure!! you change and come by the time I will prepare your coffee .(Zayyan nods and goes to his room )

The kids entered the hall.

Jannat: what took you all so much time to bring your book??

Innara: mumma saahir bhai was scared of baba.

Jannat: don't worry he is not angry and he is not going to scold or punish you!!(Said while caressing his cheeks were she slapped earlier)

Saahir: he is not angry???

Jaanat: no because I told him that you realised your mistake.

Saahir: love you mumma(hugged her)

Jannat: love you too Mera bacha.now come on start your homework.

The trio settled on othe sofa and started their homework.jnnat went to the kitchen to prepare coffee.zaayan also came and sat on the sofa.innara was not in a mood of doing her homework.

Innara: baba help me with my homework.(Jannat entered with the coffee)

Jannat: why do you need your Baba's help innara??

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