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Next day(thurday)

Jannat called haider family for dinner today so since afternoon she was busy preparing.the kids came from school had their lunch and took a nap after getting up at 5 they started doing their homework.zaayan also came from office by 6.haiders family came at 6:30.they all sat on the sofa.kifs wanted to go to park . haider 's kids already took permission before coming here.

Raayan:baba can we go to garden??

Zaayan:go but come before it's dark outside.
(Raayan happily nods and the kids goes outside)

The couples were talking and enjoying each other's company .

In the park:

The kids entered the park.they stated playing and running after 15 mins they got tired of running and sat on the grass.

Aryan:itz so fun to play with everyone.

Raayan:yeah!!you know in evening after 7 our school friends also come to park but baba doesn't allow after it gets dark.

Aryan:chachu is very strict just like our baba.

Raayan nods and they again started playing. More 30 mins passed like this.
Saman check the time and said.

Saman: bhai,raayan leys go home. baba and chachu said to be home before it gets dark.its already dark let's go home.

The kids knowing the that their father will. Scold them if they got late,hurriedky exits the garden.they enter the house.

Raayan:let's play with toys!!

Kids nods and went to raayan's room.
At 9 everyone sat for the dinner.at the dining table:

Aryan: chachu chalo na Aaj obirse icecream khane chalte hai.

Zaayan: I am ready but ask your baba.

Haider: yesterday only we went out for icecream.

Aryan: baba please

Saahir: yes mamu please come na let's go.

Azaan: baba please.

Haider: fine but I am tired.lets order it and eat at home itself.

Zaayan: okay then I will order after dinner.

After dinner zaayan ordered the icecream.it got delivered in 15 mins.everyone was eating icecream.

Zaayan: Haider tomorrow I will work from home. I have to go to inaara 's school for ptm.

Haider: okay I will handle the work.

Zaayan nods his head.

Jannat: saahir rayyan pack your bags according to your time table.tomorrow I and your baba will drop you to school.

Rayyan: mumma my leg!!

Jannat: it's perfectly fine now.you are playing,running and walking but doesn't want to go to school.

Raayan pouts and look at his mumma.

Jannat: don't pout it won't work..go pack your bags.

Zaman: now we will also leave kids also have to prepare for their school.

(They leave for their homework)

In kids room
Kids were packing their bags.zaayan and jannat come to kids room.

Zaayan: saahir!!

Saahir: yes baba.

Zaayan: is it hurting you??

Saahir: what is hurting baba??(Confused)

Zaayan: the hits from belt...is it hurting...

Saahir: no baba...mumma applied ointment on that so now it's not hurting.

Zaayan nods his head.

Jannat: okay kids comeon now sleep..it's late.

The couple went to their room and kids slept.

In the couple room:

Jannat: what happened zai??you are looking upset.

Jaanat: i shouldn't have used belt on him...he is so small.

Jannat: don't feel guilty.you are his father yu have all the right to reprimand him and punish him.(Hugs him )

Zaayan: i don't like being strict with them!!

Jannat: but you have to do that to make sure that our children won't become brats.now stop being guilty and come let's sleep. I am tired..

Zaayan nods and they both went to sleep.

Next morning.zayyam and innara along with the children went to school.

In the school.they drop their son to their class and went to inaara PTA meeting.her teacher showed them her test paper.in all the test she scored good marks.her teacher praised her in front of the couple.zaayan and jannat are happy hearing inaara praise.they both along with inara exits the school.

In the car:

Innara: baba how was my marks??

Zaayan: it was very good princess...baba is proud of you!!(Kissed her cheeks)

Jannat: yes inu mumma is also proud of  you!!

Innara: mumma baba I want gift!!

Zayyan: what do you want my princess??

Innara: let's go to mall baba I will buys toys and choclates!!(Happily exclaimed)

Zaayan: okay let's go.

He drives toward the mall.they entered the mall .inaara started picking up toys that she wants to buy.

Zaayan: inaara let's go to boys toys section if you are done??

Innara: why boys section baba??(Annoyed)

Zaayan: to buy toys for your brothers.

Innara: but they won't get good marks in the test!!!

Zaayan: a new playstation has launched .let me buy that you can also play with your bhai .

Inaara rolls her eyes.jannat glare at her for rolling her eyes.

Innara: sorry(cutely)

Jaanat shook her head and went towards  the boys toys section.they bought toys and went to home!!
Boys returned from school and the remaining day went as usual!!!

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(The next chapter is about boys PTM)

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