1- Where Is this place?

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Water.... Underneath me...? Why do I have this nightmare often...?

She opens her eyes to see a night sky above her as she laid in water that stretched from miles! As she sat up and looked around, the water remaining shallow. She often wonders about this place as she comes here often when she sleeps. Is there a reason for this dream?

She looks down, her tank top and short shorts weren't wet despite laying in the water. Her short blonde hair only being messy from laying down. Heck even her glasses weren't bothered by the drops of water!

Looking up at the sky, she sees many stars in the sky, and yet it feels really dark around her. The feeling of loneliness sweeps over her.

Sounds.... deep growls were slowly getting louder.... 

She jumps up quickly to her feet, stumbling as she tries to stand her ground. She doesn't know where the growl is coming from... but she doesn't want to find out. "S... show yourself!!!!"

Quiet.... All was quiet... Nothing in sight.....

".... Is... it gone...?"

Her eyes widen as something grabs her foot from in the water, pulling her down in the once shallow water! She continues to be pulled as she slowly loses air in her lungs... everything turning black around her as voices are heard, images appearing before her that she couldn't make out.

She whimpers as she slowly stops moving, unable to handle the situation she's in as the stars she had in her sight fade from her sight.


She sits up, awake.

Looking around, she realizes she isn't in her room. "Where... am I...!?!" She looks around, seeing what looks like the inside of... a tower...? What?!! Am I still dreaming?!?!  She soon stands up, dusting her shorts off. Why... do I feel.... unsettling here...!?!? The shine from a sword catches her eyes as she quickly grabs it, wanting to use it to defend herself in case of danger.

Slowly, she walks through the tower with the sword in hand, trying to be cautious about any potential danger that could appear from around the corner. Her senses were going off like crazy for some reason.... was there danger near by?

She was rubbing her eyes, some reason her eyes hurt. She adjusts her glasses as she tries to focus on a way out.... if there even is one...

A deep growl came from behind her, making her whole body tense up. She quickly turns and points the sword at what ever made the noise. She was trying super hard to not let her fears get to her.

A massive monster appeared from around the corner, hissing and growling at her. Her eyes widen as this thing looked similar to a dragon.... yet still didn't at the same time! She backs up slightly with the sword prepared to attack.

The monster swings it's tail at her. With a swift movement, she slices the edge of the beast's tail, trying to defend herself. In a howl of pain, the monster slams her to the wall.


The force made her body tremble as she falls to her knees. She tries to swing at the beast again, just for the thing to fling the sword from her hands. "CRAP!!"

Hiss! The beast walks up to her, opening it's massive jaw.

In a state of panic, she screams at the top of her lungs as the thing lunges at her.

A flash of light.... a flash of hope?

She opens her eyes as the blinding light slowly fades. She sees.... a guy...? Who is this guy?

"Ow..... what happened?? Where am I?"

He looks up and sees the girl looking at him as they both sat on the floor. She blinks her blue eyes at him, surprised. 

The guy blinks his orange eyes back at her, "Umm... who..?!" Her eyes widen even more, "WHERE DID YOU-!?!?"

Growling interrupted them.

The guy got up, "Oh my gosh!!! A void monster!!! We need to get out of here!!"

He soon summons a massive staff that resembled a stick that a shepherd would usually carry. "I, Arcturus, First Sorcerer of Boötes, Guardian of the Bound Arlyn, blessed by the Eighty-Eight Constellations-"

She blinks. Does he like to talk a lot...?

"-promises to get you out safely!!"

Soon a blinding bright light shined from his staff, giving her a slight headache from how bright it is....

He got close to her and moved his staff in the air in a circle, surrounding them by the bright light as the last thing she sees is the beast lunging!

She felt her body grow weaker as she feels like she is safe from the beast at last, feeling the toll on her....

Arcana Twilight:  When The Star Falls (retelling)Where stories live. Discover now