4- The Tower

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Gloria decided to take a deep breath. She looks up at the tower they were standing in front of.

She blinks up at it. There was a weird presence to it when she looked at it.... She soon flinched as her eyes started to hurt.

She felt a tap on her shoulder, she looked up to see Alpheratz's hand on her shoulder, which caused her to look at everyone.

"Are you ok...?" Arcturus asked, looking concerned. Gloria sighed, "Ever since coming here.... My eyes have been hurting a bit and other senses feel... weird...."

Sirius soon hummed, "Maybe crossing through the rift made your sense increase. Sometimes it can change certain aspects of you~!"

Vega gave a look that was hard to read a bit. Did he.... not like what Sirius said...? Why?

Spica spoke up, "Alright, everyone, make sure to stick together and be on alert."

Gloria started to follow them all into the tower. There was a musky scent inside as they entered. The surroundings reminded her of the place she woke up at when she was attacked.... She was slowly starting to get more anxious....

They all continued to walk, being very careful as they kept going.

Every step was slightly echoing. The atmosphere slowly started to get very unusual. Alpheratz turned to Spica and nodded, he then turned to everyone, "Be very careful.... You all can sense that, right?" Pollux nods, "The void monsters are very far, we can sense them." Alpheratz nods. Spica soon spoke up, "I would have all your weapons prepared just in case. We never know what to expect and should be prepared." Gloria saw as Sirius and Pollux summoned guns out of thin air, Vega summoned his sword, Arcturus and Spica summoned a staff and wand, and Alpheratz summoned a book. Everyone as a different weapon?

They all continued to walk through the tower. Gloria soon spoke up as she looked around, "...This place.... It keeps monsters at bay..? Is it even safe to be here?" Alpheratz was the one who responded, "It's technically not. Some people forget that it can be dangerous here." Her eyes widened, "So... it really is a risk having me here...!?" Spica turned to her, "You being here means we can also investigate if there is anything behind from when you came here. Since we'd be able to consult with you about it."

Gloria nods. I hate that reasoning... but still....

She starts to feel something unsettling. Every inch of her body started to grow incredibly heavy to the point that it was unbearable to move! Gloria begins to lean against the wall as she struggles to stand and move, breathing heavily. She recognizes the area she was in now, and she can feel the void monster she had encountered somewhere close....

All the sorcerers turned and looked at her as she clung to the wall. "Gloria!" Arcky tries to run to her. Spica turned to Alpheratz, "Carry her."

Arcky and Alpheratz run over to Gloria, trying to give her support as they pull her away from the wall. She shook off their grips on her, "I... I... I'm f-fine.... I just..."

"You aren't fine," Alpheratz spoke up. Pollux blinks, concerned, "What's wrong? You seemed fine moments ago...!" Gloria shook her head, "I... I can... manage..."

She tries to straighten herself up.

Her eyes soon widened, "LOOK OUT!!"

The sorcerers all turned to see several void monsters running at them. Spica shouted, "Stand your ground!"

As the void monsters started to act, so did the sorcerers. Gloria watched wide eyed as the sorcerers all casted spells with their weapons for their attacks. A part of her wanted to be amazed by the magic she was witnessing, but she was slightly too scared to even focus.

She sees Vega fighting off one of the monsters, just for it to be a struggle. Her eyes widened as he looked like he was in trouble! Then PLOP!!! Arcturus was brought to her side from where he was fighting, blinking in confusion. "Uhh... Gloria? Did you summon me...? Why-?"

"Vega is in trouble."

Arcturus looked to where she was looking and caught on. Her worry made her magic summon him to help him. "Don't worry, I can handle it!!" She watches as Arcturus runs over to help Vega.

Gloria looks back to looking around at everyone, She sees Sirius and Spica working slightly together to take out as many monsters while Spica yells out to everyone. Pollux has joined Vega and Arcturus in their fight. Alpheratz was on his own fighting.

Looking around, she found a sword on the ground. Everyone is fighting.... I want to help too!!! She picks up the sword and holds it tightly in her hands. When she looks up, she sees a monster leaping at her.


Gloria didn't pay attention to whoever said that. She swings the sword up and cuts the beast in half, shaking knowing that if she didn't do something, she wouldn't be ok.

As the beast fell to the ground, it started to regenerate from the cut she made, preparing to leap again. Her eyes widened as the void monster was blasted to smithereens from a fire spell. She looks up to see Alpheratz going over to her, as he casted that spell.

Spica soon called out, "Alpheratz!! Protect Gloria!! That was far too close!"

Alpheratz looks down at Gloria, "You.... Stay back. The void monsters can't be killed with just a blade." She watches as he quickly gets into a defensive position with her behind him, shooting at any monster that tries to come near. Gloria soon muttered, "S... Sorry.... I was just trying to..."

"I didn't mean to make it seem like you did something wrong," Alpheratz spoke up, "You just aren't in any position to properly protect yourself. Let us take care of it." She nods as she remains behind him.

Gloria watches as the battle unfolds, seeing the void monsters keep coming. She soon felt Alpheratz drape his jacket over her shoulder, which brought him to confusion. "This is probably very stressful for you.... Stay put until it's over."

She nods.

The ground started to shake. Gloria instantly looked up as she saw the beast she met when she first arrived. Her eyes widened. "Oh no...."

Alpheratz looked up at the beast as well, "Guys! Change of focus!"

The other sorcerers looked up and saw the beast. Arcturus's eyes widen, "That's the beast from earlier!" Spica turned to him, "And you didn't eliminate it!?" Arcturus whimpered, "I was trying to get Gloria out as quickly as possible!"

Spica sighed, "Go and help protect Gloria! Everyone else, follow my lead!"

Arcturus runs over to Alpheratz and Gloria while the others follow Spica to attack the beast. Acturus spoke, "Are you both ok?" Gloria nods, "Yeah...."

"Arcky," Alpheratz said, "Your mana....!"

Soon a tail came towards them, they all ducked to dodge it. Arcturus and Alpheratz spoke as Gloria's gaze was on the monster.

"That was close..!"

"Arcky.... Why didn't you tell us sooner the monster was this?"

"I... I don't know! My focus was on Gloria and the Guide Committee!"

Gloria notices a gem on the void monster's chest, it glowed when it took damage.... Is that... a weak point...?

"Guys? Look!"

Acturus and Alpheratz look at the beast's chest. "A weak point!" Alpheratz exclaimed. Oh! I was right!

Acturus aimed his staff at the gem and shot a powerful blast at it. Soon the void monster is destroyed. The other sorcerers look at Arcturus in surprise from his powerful blast.

"Okay," Acturus chirps, wiping sweat from his brow, "That was the last of them~!"

Spica had a serious expression on his face, "Monsters trapped in the towers usually pose little to no threat..."

Pollux nodded, "Yet Arcky was able to take that beast down with ease while we struggled! We even had an amplifier stone, yet we weren't as strong as him!" Sirius chuckles, "Very good observation, Pollux. And I think we all know the answer~." Sirius's gaze falls on Gloria. She blinks, "Is this... my doing..?" Sirius nods, "It seems that your summoning made someone's magical power grow at a ridiculously fast pace."

Everyone looks at Arcturus. "Eh?"

Alpheratz blinks, "Arcky..... you seriously didn't find anything strange about your insane magic increase back there?" Arcturus thought for a moment, "I knew I'd become more mana-sensitive.... but I also felt fine! Plus, I think it's temporary, I don't feel as strong now." Vega thought for a moment, "A power boost for whoever is being summoned.... so Gloria's magic works like a support spell." Alpheratz nods, "We've got ourselves a proper summoner alright. Everyone's gonna come if the word gets out."

"Spica, are you gonna report this to the old gru- I mean principal?" Alpheratz mutters quietly. Spica nods, "That would help us carry out our duties for sure. Is there a reason we should hide this newfound insight?"

Gloria blinks, "Old what..?" Alpheratz turns to her, "I see you've got really good hearing..."

She nods, "I am pretty sure my senses may have increased when I came here." Alpheratz blinks, "Oh! .... Well, just pretend you didn't hear that, please?" He sighed, "It's a private thing. Don't worry, it's got nothing to do with you." Gloria gives him an unamused look.

Vega soon spoke up to Spica, "Are we really going to get this woman from Mid Eartheim involved with all of this?" Spica nods, "Time will tell if we made the right choice." Vega cuts in, "Summoner should be focusing on returning to her world sooner or later, not with what we are going through." Gloria blinks as this unfolds, "For now... can we please get out of here? It's useless to keep bickering in a place like this. You said that monsters are kept in here, meaning there could always be more, right?" Spica shakes his head, "There is something I wanted to check before we go.... Does this place look familiar?"

She nods, "It very much is..."

Arcturus nods along, "This is exactly where I was summoned to!"

Gloria grips to the jacket that was still over her shoulders, looking around as she tries to focus on her surroundings. Was there something unusual when I woke up...? I can't tell!

The environment started to give her the creeps as she kept trying to focus. Spica spoke up, "Perhaps we should look for any damages or distortion in the spells that comprise this tower."

He turns his gaze, "And.... no in's as qualified to take care of these affairs as you are, Alpheratz."

Alpheratz's eyes widened, "You nearly shocked me to death with all this work! Rude." Gloria couldn't help but quietly snicker. Why is that funny to me!? "Also, please stop overestimating me... there's a limit to what I can do, you know."

Spica gave an unreadable look to what Alpheratz said, "Your consistent, uncooperative demeanor is taking a toll on our efficiency, as always."

Gloria notices the atmosphere got slightly harsh as Alpheratz gave a slight glare, clearly not happy with what Spica said. "Let us settle Gloria's transfer procedures first before setting up our next meeting." Spica continued.

Pollux sighed, "Am I the only one who misses the air outside...?" Gloria nods in agreement, "Yeah... let's leave now, please!!"

Sirius chuckled "Aw, but it was getting exciting in here~!"

As they all began to walk out, Gloria noticed Vega to be lost in thought, she turned to him, "You ok?" Vega looked up at her, "And why would you want to know?" Gloria flinched from how almost cold he sounded.

"I don't know.... curious mainly."

Vega turned to the whole group, "Now that this is settled... I shall work alone from now on."

Arcturus turned to him, surprised, "Come on, Vega. It's not that bad being with us, is it? We were also gonna show Gloria around all these cool places..."

Vega sighed. Gloria tilts her head, "Arcky... he could be tired." Vega nods, "Yes, and I would rather you all respect that."

As he starts to walk past the group, he mutters to Gloria. "A word of advice, Summoner. Heed my words. You are a quest in this world. Do not fall for empty promises coming from sorcerers."

Vega soon walks off from the group.

"Finally! Out of that tower!"

Gloria took in the fresh air as they all finally left the tower. Arcturus sighed, "Vega really just left.... I was half expecting he'd be waiting outside." Spica shaked his head, "In your dreams... he wouldn't have gone with us even if you went after him and begged him to."

"Come on, What'd you expect?" Pollux spoke up, "Vega's specialty speaks for itself." Gloria blinks, "Specialties?"

Pollux nods, "All sorcerers have their own magical specialties. Vega is a pathfinder. You can ask him yourself if you wanna know how it works." He must have seen my confused face since he added that part quickly. Pollux soon perks up, "As for mine, your jaw will drop all the way down to the floor if you see it!" Gloria chuckles, "Then tell me about it sometime, ok?" Pollux blinks, not expecting her to say that, though he quickly smiles, "Will do~!"

Arcturus spoke to Gloria, "I hope you and Vega get along, Gloria. You two have something in common."

"Which is?"

"Oh, Because Vega-"

Alpheratz cuts him off, "That's enough, Arcky.... know when to stop."

Gloria and Arcturus look at Alpheratz, blinking in confusion.

She then remembered, "Oh! I still need to give this back!" Gloria takes off the jacket and hands it back to Alpheratz. "Thanks for letting me borrow it!" Alpheratz blinked for a bit before averting his gaze, seeming slightly bashful, "You're..... Welcome..."

He grabs back his jacket and drapes it back on her shoulders. He gives a slight smile to her before turning to Arcturus, who seemed to be about to speak.

"Why.... did you say that..?"

"What I meant by it is that you go overboard sometimes, Arcky. Rubbing it in people's faces isn't always gonna work."

Alpheratz continues, "Well... i guess it is typical Fili Pfeper." Gloria blinks in confusion, "Filly.... Peper...?

Sirius soon chuckles, "That makes you, Alpheratz, a surprisingly uncooperative Tharaval~!"

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