2- Committee Meeting

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Arcturus happily sighs, "I think that is everyone!!" Gloria put a hand on his shoulder before looking him in the eyes, her eye twitching, ".... Never make me do that again when I least expect it..."

"Sorry~!" Arcturus rubbed the back of his neck, however he wasn't expecting to almost receive a glare from her. "A-anyways, I sent you a chat so you can easily save my number to your Stella Tab! I'll be talking to you all the time!" Gloria sighs, she just hopes he doesn't spam her like crazy. Spica slightly smiles, "It's not a bad start honestly. Also, since the other members surely have departed a while ago, we should start to head to the committee room now."

Laughing, Arcturus turns to him, "Why the rush, Spica? There is plenty of time before the meeting~!"

Gloria tenses up a bit. That's right.... A meeting... People.... People I don't know.... Crap, I'm shaking!!! Her body starts to tremble ever so slightly, however not enough for Arcturus nor Spica to notice. "Why don't we give Gloria a quick rundown to avoid any panic or confusion?" She looks up at Arcturus, even though he didn't notice that she was already panicking, it made her relax a little hearing his words. Spica nods, "Fair point.... Gloria will have to learn how things work here in order to start acclimatizing." Gloria blinks up at Spica as he continues to speak to her, "The Guide Committee is a Contell Academy-based school organization." Gloria tilts her head, "So... like a student council?" Arcturus nods, "Right! We are also called Guide Sorcerers, along with our duties on C.A.M grounds, we assist Great Sorcerers and guide regular ones. You can kinda say we are like middle management." Gloria nods, "So you both are in it, right?" Arcturus happily nods!! Gloria blinks, "Huh... that's kinda cool."

Arcturus got a bit shy, "It is...? I didn't really ever think about how others would see us.... It's just our job after all" Gloria nods, "It is cool, you assist people who I'm assuming are of a high status, along with helping those younger or lower roles to you to improve... I would say being able to handle that makes you someone that a lot of people rely on." Arcturus smiles wide, "Thank you...! That means a lot!! I'm gonna work even harder to be the greatest committee member to have ever lived!!" Gloria silently chuckled to herself. I see he really likes compliments.

Spica had a slight smile on his face as he spoke, "You will learn more as we go along. Now let's get going."

Just like that, Spica swiftly leaves the room. Gloria tilts her head, "Is he.... he takes the Guide Committee seriously... doesn't he?" Arcturus nods, "I wish he would relax a little though..."

Arcturus heads to the door, "Come on~! This place isn't very far from Contell. Remember the way back and forth since you'll be doing that pretty often!"

The two leave the room, quickly trying to catch up to Spica so they can all walk together.

As they walk, Gloria looks all around as they leave the Neb Aula. She looks up at the building, finding it very beautiful!! The plants around them all as they walked down the concrete path made her eyes widen. She loved seeing the rose bushes decorating the path for them as they all walked to the gate.

She sees some students hanging around outside of the Neb Aula, talking to each other or reading. She notices how all their uniforms have different color ties and under color. Four colors...?

After a bit of walking, her gaze shifts to the campus of Contell. Her eyes widened from how massive it was! After a while of walking through some halls, they all enter the committee room.

She watches as Spica goes over to a mini kitchen set up and starts preparing something, his hand brushing his blonde locks back. Wow... long hair!! How does it not bother him to have it that long?

"Juice again, Arcturus?"

Arcturus nods as he was setting up the meeting table, "Yeup!! Your coffee's way too bitter and hot for me!"

Spica then turns his gaze to Gloria, "And what would you like?"

She didn't know how to respond, "Umm... What are the choices...?" Spica speaks quickly after, "We have coffee, tea, juice, or even water." Arcturus chimes in, "I'd suggest the juice since it's really good!!! It's a mix of oranges and some wild berries!!"

Gloria nervously ducked her head, "I... have issues with drinking juice... so I can't drink it without it hurting my throat..."

Arcturus starts to quickly raise his hands, "It's ok!! I get it!! You don't have to feel bad, it was just a suggestion!!!" Spica nods, "We mainly have the juice cause Arcturus here drinks it the most." Gloria nods, "What kind of tea do you have...?" Spica starts to pull out some of the tea boxes and puts them on the table, Gloria walks over to look at them. Her eyes widen and perk up when she sees mint tea! "That would properly taste amazing..!!! Do you have any honey?"

Spica nods, "We do. So this tea?" Gloria nods, almost bouncing slightly from the choice. Spica couldn't help but quietly chuckle to himself over her happiness over the tea bag.

After a while, Gloria now sat at the meeting table, sipping her tea. She was happy to use a tea cup for it, for some reason it just makes her happy! She sat curled up in her chair however, still anxious about this meeting.

Soon the doors quickly open, startling Gloria as she almost burned her tongue on the tea.

"What is all of this? Is this an emergency meeting or a tea party?"

Gloria's gaze fell on a short boy with pink, slightly spiky, hair, his eyes gray and orange. She blinked as she felt that his voice was familiar.

Soon a tall guy with deep lavender eyes and brown hair appeared behind him. Damn! He's tall!

Both their eyes fall on Gloria, slowly making her more anxious and uncomfortable. She shifted her gaze back to her tea as she tried to focus on it to calm herself down.

"Hey Poll!" Arcturus speaks up, "You brought Alpheratz too~!" The one named Pollux nods, "More like I dragged him here, but yeah." The one who seems to be named Alpheratz gives an unamused look, "Seriously? Nobody asked you to. You make it sound like you did me a favor."

He soon yawns, "All you did was ruin my nap..."

Pollux slightly rolls his eyes, "Yeah, yeah. You're already here, quit complaining." Gloria tilts her head as Pollux asks Spica for a sweet drink, and Alpheratz looks at Pollux with an upset look. She quietly blinks, "You both act like best friends who don't get along most of the time..."

Pollux laughs, "Well yeah! I'm practically his only friend! He should be thanking me!" Alpheratz sighs, "More like harassment. You are right though... he tortures me every day of the week." Pollux's eyes widened, "Oh come on! It's a testament to our undying friendship!! Don't act like that!!" Gloria quietly snickers. They both kinda... act like siblings!! That's kinda cute!!

Arcturus chuckles along with Gloria, "I never get tired of watching those two~!" Spica sighs, "They're an absolute disgrace to the dignity of all sorcerers, if you ask me..."

Spica almost glared at them, "Alpheratz. Pollux. Cut it out, both of you. Stop bickering and take your seats." Pollux, who was already moving to sit, sighs, "My butt's already being planted!!"

He looks up at Alpheratz, "Come on Alpheratz. Act like a grown-up for once!" Alpheratz lets out a sigh, with a small tint of annoyance, "Every single time..."

They both took a seat across from Gloria. They both couldn't help but notice how she was in some short shorts and a tank top. Gloria gets slightly more anxious, hoping they aren't judging her, she tries to sip on her tea again to calm herself down.

"Alright, alright. I'm seated" Alpheratz spoke up, "Spica, don't look at me like that." Gloria notices that Spica was specifically giving a slight glare to Alpheratz. Do they not get along...?

"Hmm... I haven't heard back from the others," Arcturus soon speaks, looking down a little, "I guess this is everyone?" Spica nods, "It was a very short notice and unplanned for that matter. Some may be simply too far to attend." Arcturus turns to Gloria, "Oh! I should introduce you to these two! Or... you guys can introduce yourselves!" Pollux sighed, "I don't know. It seems unnecessary...."

Gloria slumps over a bit, anxious to even speak up. She doesn't know what to say, "I.... guess..."

Alpheratz gives Pollux an unamused look, "Look what you did! You crushed the new kid's spirit." Pollux sighs more, "Ok ok... We'll do it."

"I am Pollux, Second Sorcerer of Gemini. I don't make new friends, so don't get your hopes up." Pollux then glares at all of the guys, "Don't make me ever do this in front of anyone. Ever again!"

Alpheratz's gaze shifts to Gloria, "I'm Alpheratz, First Sorcerer of Andromeda, and you are...?"

Gloria shyly spoke, "G-Gloria.... Gloria Moray.... Wait... Andromeda..? Like the constellation that is the daughter of Queen Cassiopeia? And Gemini? The twins constellation? You share the same name as its twin stars!!!"

Both Alpheratz and Pollux were surprised by this. Alpheratz spoke up, "You... know a lot about the stars..?"

Gloria nods, "I used to research anything astronomy related when I was a kid!" She looks at Alpheratz, "Like I know that you share your name with the brightest star in the constellation Andromeda. That star is sometimes known as 'Alpha Andromedae'! It was once a part of the constellation Pegasus!" Alpheratz's eyes widened more.

She turns to Pollux, "And you share your name to the star in Gemini that is the closest giant to the sun!" Pollux's mouth dropped.

Gloria then shuts herself up, "S...sorry.... I didn't mean to go on about that..."

Alpheratz blinks, a slight smile on his face, "Why apologize for being passionate about something?" He soon leans back in his chair, "Anyways, good luck out here, it's not gonna be easy..."

Gloria shyly nods at him, "Thanks... for the consideration."

Alpheratz blinks as he tilts his head, though his eyes seem to show he was a bit happy from her thanking him, "Consideration? You are just a ball of positive energy, aren't you?" Pollux soon coughs, "Anyways... I heard stuff on what's going on all the way here." Alpheratz nods, "yeah, those rumors were something else..."

He turns to Arcturus, "The best one being... how Arcky brought back his partner of destiny from another world." Arcturus freaks out as Alpheratz laughs, "Destiny what?! Come on, think of how Gloria would feel...!!"

Gloria sighed, hating hearing that there are rumors in general being spread about her, "Rumors.... really...!?!" Arcturus nods, looking sad, "Yeah, rumors are horrible, especially when you aren't aware of them... I'm glad Alpheratz and Pollux at least let us know that there are some going around."

"Enough with the gossip, Alpheratz," Spica cut in, "We are here to discuss more substantial matters." Alpheratz sighs, "Yeah... you're right. So I guess it's another Tower of Babili and rift issue." Pollux soon chimed in, "Let's ask Gloria, if there is anything true about the rumors~!"

Soon the attention was focused on Gloria, she froze even more, unable to move.

"Did you really pass through a rift? Are you really from Mid Earthiem?"

Gloria froze up more as her anxiety skyrocketed. She has no idea what any of that means!! She started to tremble as she felt there was a lot of pressure on herself to answer. Someone... Please help...!

"Okay, that's enough." Alpheratz sits Pollux back down since he was leaning over the table, "Clearly she doesn't know what's going on. She probably didn't even know that we existed, let alone any of the concepts we're dealing with. It looks like we are scaring her...."

"I was gonna say that," Pollux pouted, "Could you stop pretending like you're smart and not lazy all of a sudden?"

Arcturus soon widens his eyes, "Wait... scaring her...?" He looks at Gloria who is breathing heavily from anxiety.

Both Arcturus and Alpheratz notice this.

"Are... you ok..? Do you need more tea?" Arcturus soon speaks.

Gloria tries to stand up, "I... I'm fine... I just need some air-"

Her body gives out from under her as she begins to fall. Crap! My anxiety must be really bad!

She then feels Arcturus and Alpheratz run over to stop her from falling. Pollux and Spica rush over. Gloria was still breathing heavily, trembling a little...

Pollux looks worried, "I... I'm sorry... I didn't do anything!! I didn't think that asking you questions would..."

"... do you... have social anxiety?"

Gloria looks up at Alpheratz as he asks this, she is shocked he caught on.

"... yeah... I.. I do..."

Arcturus and Spica help guide her back to her seat, Spica rushes to make some more tea for her. Arcturus spoke, "It's ok... I'm sorry, this must have been a lot on you... Do you want to rest? We have a couch in here that you can lay on..."

Gloria shook her head, "N-no... I-I'm fine... I don't want to be a bother...."

Spica walks back with some more tea for her, pouring it from the teapot in his hands into her tea cup. "We should take a breather for a bit so we don't overwhelm you..."

Gloria nods.

~. ~. ~. ~.~

Gloria sighs, slowly feeling better as Spica has finished explaining to her everything she was asked about. She still continues to sip her tea as her anxiety is still affecting her

"So.... my home... is the Mid Eartheim?"

Arcturus nods, "We're suspecting you ended up in our world because of a rift-related issue... But we don't know everything about rifts, so it's too early to tell..."

"Is this why," Alpheratz softly spoke up, "you called everyone? To investigate?" Pollux eyes widened, "You could've told us!!! I barely prepared anything!"

"No, Poll. Relax!" Arcturus turned to him, "The real reason I called you all is..."

Arcturus turns to Gloria, "Would you like me to explain..?"

Gloria nods, weakly speaking, "... please..."

He nods, Arcturus proceeds to tell Alpheratz and Pollux everything.

Pollux's eyes widened, "Wait, wait! So you're saying... You're saying that Gloria's specialty," he looks at her, "is summoning magic, and you don't know how to control it...!?" Gloria nods, "Yeah... I was forced to enroll here so I have protection for the time being..."

"So Basically," Alpheratz speaks up, "We need to babysit a transfer student from another world." Gloria's blue gaze looked up at him, she looked a bit upset being treated like a kid.

"I... I never asked for-"

He sighed, "Right.... But it's not like you have a choice..."

Gloria sighed, "Well... I guess we should make this work then."

Pollux soon spoke, looking away, "I don't know if I should call you positive, or naïve." Alpheratz softly smiles, "I actually like it. I mean, Gloria is probably a lot of work.... But still..." Gloria softly smiles, ".... thanks..."

Oh! He is much nicer than he leads on!

Arcturus spoke up, "Come on now. We haven't had a meeting in ages, we should keep it positive Pollux!" Pollux sighed, "Keeping it positive in the eye of a damn hurricane. Easy-peasy."

"Anyways," Spica spoke up, "What I really wanted to discuss is-"

The door suddenly opens, making Gloria jump a bit. She looks up from her seat to see someone walk in with long raven hair.

"Hmm? Who do we have here? I thought I was seeing things."

The tall man walks up and leans towards Gloria, his blue eyes examining her. "So this is what all the fuss was about, a new guest.."

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