5- The Magic Around

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"Read the room, Sirius.... Oh wait, I forgot you never do." Alpheratz snapped.

Gloria blinks, "Tharaval?"

Arcturus smiles wide, "Oh, they're sorcerer clans! Coon names, right? I belong to the Fili Pfeper clan. Alpheratz is part of Tharaval, and-"

"Hey, hey," Alpheratz spoke up, seeming annoyed, "I was in the middle of saying something. A little focus would be nice." Pollux blinks, "Guys.... Look at what you're doing to Gloria." Gloria felt her head spin from new information she didn't understand due to not being given more information on it to understand. Alpheratz sighed, "Yikes, you're right... there's no way an outsider can follow any of this without context." He soon turns his attention, "There's so much explaining to do.... speaking of, isn't this job perfect for Spica?"

Spica blinks, "Beg your pardon?"

Gloria's eyes widened, "That feels...."

Sirius nods, "Oddly familiar. Like we have seen the exact same thing before."

Pollux sighed, "I agree..."

"So.... this is coming across as being immature," Gloria spoke up, "Like two kids going back and forth for pay back." Alpheratz's eyes widened, "Come on, this isn't some game I'm trying to win!" He soon sighed, "All I did was recommend someone who's right for the job. You all know Spica's the one." Spica soon sighed, sounding irritated, "Alpheratz.... I'm not in the mood for idiotic jokes."

"You're overreacting, my friend," Alpheratz added, "I'm spitting facts here, and you're not gonna scare me off with that look." He closes his eyes and tries to relax, "Lose the frown, Spica. I'd hate to see you get wrinkles on that pretty forehead of yours."

Spica's eye twitched, "You.... Never mind. This isn't a debate, let's stop it here."

He soon turned his head, "It's not like you'll ever mature into a reasonable adult, Alpheratz. There's no point in furthering this conversation." Alpheratz was stunned by this. Pollux gasped, "Whoa! Did he just out-cool you in this edgelord contest? Can we please just go home now?" Alpheratz sighed, "Nobody leaves, kid. Not you. Not me. And it ain't a contest..."

Gloria was stunned from witnessing all of this, "Are you.... Serious right now?! Spica!" Both Spica and Alpheratz turn to her, not expecting her to speak up. She continues, "Alpheratz was just trying to direct it to you since you are most likely to explain things to me better! That didn't mean you had to make a remark like the one you made! Plus when you said 'let's stop it here', that implies no more back and forth... just for you to INSTANTLY snap back despite basically saying something of 'let's not do this right now'!! That is a horrible example you are showing!" Alpheratz blinks in surprise. Spica blinks, "I... take it you are on Alpheratz's side then?" Alpheratz sighed, "This isn't about sides. What are you, ten?" He turns his attention to Spica fully, "Plus.... In a way, that is rude to Gloria. She has a point, let's try to be kind...."

Spica was completely stunned. Gloria sighed, "My point is.... You basically contradicted yourself...."

"Uhhh," Arcturus soon spoke up, "Guys, sorry to interrupt, but..."

Arcturus soon pointed around, "A crowd is gathering around us. We should probably get going...!" Sirius smirks, "No wonder. Five Contell sorcerers and a stranger are gonna stand out~! We're causing a scene. We'll be attracting reporters if we don't leave now."

Gloria gulps as she starts getting slightly uncomfortable from the crowd forming.

Pollux spoke up, "There's no time to narrate what's happening. Let's get outta here before more of 'em get here!" Alpheratz sighed, "You can say goodbye to peace and quiet once you're with your sorcerer friends..."

Spica turned to everyone, "Arcturus, let us waste no further time. More attention won't benefit us in any way." Arcturus nods, "Alright, using teleportation magic now. Destination... Contell Academy of Magic!"

As soon as Arcturus summons his staff, Gloria closes her eyes since the last time he teleported, the blinding light of the magic hurt her eyes.

She can feel the magic of the teleportation spell surrounding her, for some reason, she smelled citrus.

After a bit, she slowly opens her eyes since she started to feel dizzy from the teleportation. When her eyes are open fully, she sees Arcturus sighing, looking tired from the spell. Arcturus noticed her staring, which prompts him to put a smile on his face to hide his fatigue. Arcturus speaks up, "Ta-da! Fast and easy, right? I wonder if you'll be able to learn this too, Gloria~!" Spica chuckles, "If you are able to, that would be very impressive!"

Gloria looks around, taking in that their surroundings were now the courtyard at Contell.

Yawning, Alpheratz soon stretches his arms, "Well that felt like an eternity. Feels like I was on some massive campaign." Gloria blinks up at him, "Tired?" He nods, "I'm gonna go home now. That was more than enough work for one day..."

Before he left, he spoke to Gloria, almost softly, "Oh, and Gloria.... Enjoy your stay here as much as you can. Don't get too involved in our crap, okay?"

Gloria's eyes widened when she heard his words, watching him walk off. Why does he put up a small act then if he is genuinely kind? Sirius chuckles, "See that look on his face? He means every word." Gloria looks up at him, "I can tell, I'm not blind."

Sirius smirks, amused with her bluntness, "This was fun, but i better get going. See you around, Summoner~!" Sirius then also walks off.

Pollux grumbles, "Those two just love leaving early. In fact, I don't think I've seen them stay for anything." Arcturus laughs, "Right, haha. But you can reach them any time through your Stella Tab, Gloria."

As he said that, Gloria's Stella Tab vibrated in her pocket, she pulled it out to see a message from someone!

A questioning emote appears in chat

Gloria blinks at the text. I... don't normally respond if I don't know the person.... Soon some messages appeared.

Alpheratz: Gloria? It's you right? It's Alpheratz, I'm texting you to save your number from the group chat.

Gloria: Oh! Yeah it's me

Alpheratz: Alright, I have saved your number then, I would recommend saving mine and everyone else's as well.
Tho the others may contact you very often.... I'd recommend ignoring them, or it will be tiresome.

Arcturus soon looks up at the sky, smiling, "It feels so strange sometimes. I would never have had the chance to meet sorcerers from other clans if it wasn't for Contell!" Gloria put her Stella Tab back in her pocket and turned to him, "Oh yeah! Arcky, you nor did anyone explain to me the whole thing about the clans!"

"Ah," Arcturus turns to face Gloria, "I've been meaning to explain it to you but didn't have the chance!" Pollux chuckles, "Leave that to us! We'll fill you in on everything, one by one!"

Spica sighed, "Don't get ahead of yourselves, although.... You are setting a far better example than the other two that left prematurely." Gloria looked at Spica, "Seriously...? Sirius said he had things he had to do! And Alpheratz said he was tired! What makes those bad reasons to leave the group for now?" Spica was stunned, "I... apologize.... I didn't mean to sound disrespectful."

Gloria got a bit shy now due to how much she had been talking recently. Spica then coughs, "Now back to the topic on hand.... Sorcerers chosen by Constellations have honored their names throughout generations. Like-minded sorcerers began to join forces, and these fractions grew increasingly distinct and exclusive over time."

Pollux nodded, "Some stay neutral, but most of us join clans because there are rather distinct advantages."

Gloria nods as she tries to take in everything. Pollux continues, "So we either work in a family clan or move to another that better suits us." Arcturus adds, "As you've slightly heard, the fours clans are Fili Pfeper, Kamargo, Tharaval, and Queen Tet."

"And you are Fill... Filli..... Fili Pfeper?" Arcturus nods happily, "Yeah, you remembered!"

He looked more cheerily as he continued, "This is a good time to go through all of them. Doesn't hurt to know which one's which!" Gloria remains quiet as they all told her about the clans.

Arcturus continues, "Fili Pfeper strive for peace and virtue, hence they are symbolized by a deer! Spica and I are part of this clan! So good willed sorcerers joined forces, to make the world a better place. A lot of commoners look up to us, so that's a lot of burden on our shoulders." Gloria blinked. Peace huh? Pollux soon cuts in, "Admit it, you enjoy all the praise. Don't tell me it's all pressure!" Spica coughs, "Kamargos are known to follow the noble, pure ways of the egret. Vega has dedicated himself to that clan. They are sorcerers of remarkable persistence who never lose sight of their goals." Arcturus nods, "They start sparring at sunrise, it's crazy! The Kamargos are really something else." Wow...! Pollux then spoke next, "Tharavals claim they take after squirrels 'cause they're.... diligent, you know. Seriously, that's the exact opposite of everything Alpheratz stands for." But he does seem diligent.... Since I am all their responsibility, he is showing some diligence there...! Pollux continues, "They're sorcerers who prioritize teamwork and creed over anything else!" Gloria nods. Ok, now that part would make more sense of him not fitting in his clan traits. Spica soon adds, "It's clear as day that Alpheratz is simply staying in his family's clan because changing clans would be too much work for him."

"Last but not least is Queen Tet!" Arcturus happily said, "They were inspired by how white-tail eagles fly. It's Pollux and Sirius' clan!" Spica nods, "As much as they try to present themselves as ambitious, the Queen Tets are nothing more than a collection of sorcerers blinded by their own greed." Pollux grumbled, "I'm right here, Spica! And we're just trying to be practical."

Gloria sighed, "Spica... that is slightly rude... Even if it could be true with other members of the clan, saying it in front of someone who is a Queen Tet is just wrong and slightly insulting." Spica dips his head, "I... I apologize."

Pollux soon spoke up, "The best part is that there are no restrictions or codes as long as we stay out of trouble. Everyone just kinda does their own thing." Looks like he is trying to move away from that comment.

"Honestly.... Based on everything I have witnessed all cause of you all being in the clans... I hope I don't have to join one while I'm here..."

Spica nods, "We should tell you there's no need to worry. Your position in this world is very peculiar, what with your Mid Eartheim background and your gifts as a summoner. However, one must first become a sorcerer in order to join a clan." Arcturus nods, "So Gloria has to act neutral in our world unless she becomes one of us." Gloria sighed in relief. Pollux soon smirks, "Don't you guys dare try to recruit Gloria behind my back after this! I'll be watching!" He soon laughs. Gloria chuckles, "I don't plan on joining clans, don't worry!" Pollux laughs more, "Anyways, I've got classes soon. Catch you guys later!"

Arcturus' eyes widened, "Aah! I need to drop by the lab today! I totally forgot! Call me anytime Gloria! I trust the rest with you, Spica!" He soon dashes off in a random direction. Gloria waves as Pollux and Arcturus leaves.

"Peace and quiet at last," Spica said, "Let's head over to the committee room for a short break. I want to show you something, Gloria."

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