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It all started with a day before Harry's 13th birthday,
Harry's owl got him his friend's presents and prays,
Just the next day at breakfast he got a news,
That a man named black from the prison is on loose.
Later at night, he escaped the house and took the knight bus,
Reached Diagon Alley where Ron and Hermione created a fuss.
Where they had a quarrel among their pets,
Now they were ready to go to Hogwarts all set.

On the way, they got attacked by an entity named Dementor,
Harry fainted and revived by Mr Lupin -the Dark acts teacher,
In divination class Ms. Tree Law Ney foresees  Harry's death,
In care of magical creatures class Hagrid introduced Buckbeak,
The creature harmed Draco when his limits reached it's peak.

Draco's injury put buckbeak forever to sleep,
In defence against the dark acts class Lupin leads Boggart's defeat,
Which changes shapes to appear as the viewer's greatest fear.
Then Lupin told Harry about the real reason he wasn't allowed to fight,
Which was that it might take Voldemort's shape which was not right.

Later that night Sirius Black destroys the fat lady's portrait,
All students slept in the hall and teachers prayed for the castle's fate.
Soon Quidditch moves in full swing,
During the game Harry came across a hoard of Dementors in the ring,
Harry fainted and his broomstick fell ;they lost,
He woke up to Lupin and told why Dementors affect him the most.

Harry rejoined Ron and Hermione through the secret map,
He made to hogsmeade where he's not allowed so wants to get out asap
And he heard that Sirius black was responsible why his parents died,
While he sent a fire
broomstick to Harry to which professor denied.
Later Harry received a letter of buckbeak's trial
And Hagrid being fired to which all three of them expressed denial,
Hermione slaps Malfoy for calling upon on firing Hagrid,
Later Snape catches the map which Harry tried to hid.

A big black dog dragged ron under the whooping willow tree,
Which turned into Sirius and embraced Lupin to break free,
It was Peter Pettigrew was responsible for Harry's parents death,
While Sirius was innocent till his last breathe,
Sirius- a dog, Peter-a rat  and Lupin- a Werewolf were all found later,
Harry's soul was nearly sucked by the deathly dementors.

But a patronus saved Harry and he faints amiss,
Later he woke up in hospital to hear that sirius will be given Dementor's kiss
And they fought for his innocence but in vain,
Both travelled back in time to save Sirius and Buckbeak from the pain,
They freed Sirius on Buckbeak's back and they flew up high,
Harry received a letter that they reached safely and took a sigh,
Our boy is a true hero now we all know why.

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