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Harry convinced Griphook to get to Lestrange 's vault,
So that they can retrieve Voldemort's horcrux without any hault.
To which he agreed in the exchange of gryffindor 's sword,
So they can destroy the remaining horcruxes to kill the evil lord.
While Ollivander -The wand maker told Harry about the elder wand,
That he won't have a chance to stand against the one with that wand.

Hermione disguised as Bellatrix while Ron as a random wizard,
While Harry and Griphhook tried to hide under the cloak so hard.
They finally made it there and got the Hufflepuff's cup,
Griphook betrays them so they used a captive dragon and flew up.
Harry saw in his vision that Voldemort got to know about the same,
Who is weak and scared  cause they were a step closer to end his game.

They apparated to Hogsmeade with a plan to sneak into the castle,
But the Death Eaters attack them as alarm rang on their arrival.
The moment they reached there started a new series of struggle.
They got saved by Albus's brother whom Harry saw in the mirror.
Who saved the trio many times who kept a track from that mirror.

They used a passageway to Hogwarts the same time
And got to know that Snape turned Hogwarts into a lifeless regime,
He confronted Snape in the front of the whole school,
Mcgonalgall intervened and supported Harry against Snape's rule.

Meanwhile Voldemort summoned his army and surrounded Hogwarts,
Mcgonagall along with the staff made a barrier and sealed every part,
Meanwhile Hermione and Ron went to take the basilisk's fang
And destroyed the Hufflepuff's cup with the help of that fang,
After such a deadly devastation the two abruptly kissed ,
While Harry destroyed RavenClaw's diadem;not a chance they missed,
Voldemort used Elder wand to destroy the Hogwarts shield,
Hogwarts was now in danger as Voldemort entered it's field.

Voldemort met Snape in the boat house and told him about the wand,
That it's owner was Snape as he killed Albus with that wand.
So now he had to kill Snape to be it's real owner,
So he asked Naagini to kill Snape and she did as her master ordered her.
Voldemort disapparates while Harry reached there with his friends,
While dying he told that Harry's eyes were of his mom and his life ends.

Voldemort threatened Harry to come to the forbidden forest
And if he does not come he'll kill the rest.

In the forest he opened the snitch and said"I am ready to die."
With resurrection stone his loved ones appeared;  he looked in their eyes.
Harry faces Voldemort and the evil lord killed Harry.
All of a sudden everything went calm and things felt starry,
In a heaven like place Harry met Dumbledore
and his heart felt whole,
He told that Voldemort killed a part of himself present in Harry's soul.

So he returns back. (His body was always there but not his conscious)
Draco's mom knew that he's alive but didn't tell so as not to create a fuss
And assured Voldemort about Harry being dead,
He marched towards Hogwarts and told that Harry is dead.

Everyone's shattered with pain in their screams strive,
Suddenly Neville took gryffindor sword and Harry reveals being alive
And in the mean time Hermione and  Ron tried  to kill Naagini, the snake,
The last horcrux left with whose end the evil's life would be at stake.
  Suddenly Neville killed the serpent with the grffyindorn sword,
Voldemort's spell backfires which killed the evil lord .

19 years passed and time took it's toll,
The trio became parents and now they're fulfilling their roles,
Harry married fo Ginny and their child named Albus Severus Potter,
Harry guided him on platform 9¾ about the hatt which sorters,
Hermione married to Ron and bid their kids a good bye,
An eternity of endless moments reflected in our golden trio's eyes...

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