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Severus Snape; an epitome of paradox both loyal and enigmatic,
Loyal to both Voldemort  and Dumbledore as well as Lily fanatic,
It felt in the start as if he was against Harry,
Little did he know that Snape went against the world for Harry.

Draco Malfoy; was not a  victim of his choice but of his circumstances,
He was not a bad guy rather he was made one in many of the instances
Trapped in his family's expectations and within his own conscience,
Draco's Dilemma made him cry in alone and question his existence.

Molly Weasley; a great mother who loved Harry just like her own child,
Who cared for him and became the reason Harry smiled.
But Ron never felt the same love for him as well,
We all know she loved him too but sometimes that love isn't quite felt.

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