Mafia's Pet

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"Babydoll where are you going?"

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"Babydoll where are you going?"

Scared, I freezes in my position, I admit I was sneaking out from his grasp when he doesn't want me to, but he also needs to understand that I don't like him at all,
Scared of his violent reaction, I turn around from the door, looks at him and smiles at him as good as I can be to appear more feminine and my normal meek submissive self, certainly at all cost not nervous.

"What's up babe?, I was just on ma way to shoping with friends? I told you before, last night, remember?" I hate over explaining to him, but that's the only thing that keeps me alive. If not, I'll be just like another Shantel in the gutter by the next morning and no one I mean no one literally will bat an eye on this.

Waiting for him to react on this felt like forever, is he angry? Is he frustrated? Does he wanna take it out on me? Did I go over the line? Should I have not tried to go out today? thankfully, he sighs as he begins to take a sip of his gin from the glass and signals me to go on as he rub his temple and says in a neutral tone.

"I guess I forgot, yh go on babygirl" he shoots me a reassuring smile that suggests everything's fine, I'm okay, I'm free to go, which got me for good, he doesn't smile often. It's a rare occurrence for him to be feeling good, usually he is in his grumpy and cold mood. But I guess not today, knowing this,

I get so happy to finally have his approval which is non thinkable, thank the lord, bless the almighty for presenting me with this once in a lifetime opportunity to finally be away from him even if it's just for few minutes before I gets drag and gets trap in this hellhole again.

I want to cherish this rare blue moon moment that I get it for now, let's leave before he changes his mind, his mind changes fastly and swiftly, like the unpredictable flow of the water current, you don't know where it will flow and when it will change its course of action. How dangerous can it be and how much damage it can do before you decides to provoke it just for your own amusement. But those who are aware of the water's tendency will respect it and try to stay away from these impulsive foolish actions.


I paused when he added "but" in his sentence, does that mean I can't go out anymore? My heart beat starts to pace up. Does that indicate he changed his mind and wants to come with me? I can't let that happen! I want to go independently.

Even if my mind is in turmoil, I listened to him quietly. He doesn't like it when someone interrupts him when he is the one doing all the speaking. He detest it this much that, before one time I remember this lil incident that  happened where he killed his new assistant in front of me when I was new here, because he had happened to made a mistake and the new innocent assistant tried to correct him. It all happened during an important business meeting, He killed someone innocent mercilessly just for correcting his misspoken words. What a devil in humane disguise.

I sometimes truly wonder just how many innocent people had to die because of that devilish tongue gave them a death sentence, how many people will meet the death's door in the upcoming unforeseen future. Just how many people had to meet their early end because some particular one can't seem to controll themselves properly like a normal healthy functioning adult human being instead being more like a human toddler in a grown man's body. Do I fell sympathy for the victims? Or is it just pity for them? Can I even have the right to feel anything for them?

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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