Chapter 2

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Stressed, was a very small word for what Jimin was feeling right now. He was very close to banging his head on his expensive mahogany table. A million-dollar deal has slipped out of his hands in a few seconds, a deal he had worked an entire month on. 

He was frustrated, that deal would bring more foreign stocks to the company and a lot of sponsorship. But all that was in vain, the clients had left already and so had Jimin's patience.

"Call that employee in my office, right NOW." The Frustrated CEO barks in anger at his secretary, who immediately rushes outside the office as she hears the anger evident in his voice.

A few minutes passed by and a scared figure entered the office of the furious CEO, " S...Sir called... m..e" The figure asked as they cowered more looking at their boss who shot them a glare.

"I want your resignation letter on my table, now " Jimin uttered as he tried to control his anger, the employee tried to pacify their angry boss, which only angers him more.

"P...please boss..I won't... h...happen ag..ian." The employee tries in vain once again to convince his boss, who finally loses his temper and yells for security.

Once the security has come and dragged the employee out, Jimin can breathe again. He looks at the mess his office is currently in, the entire place is filled with papers and a few broken glasses. He remembers the entire scenario that took place right from the early morning during breakfast, till now. 

As his eyes widen, he remembers the promise he made to his mother. He quickly grabs his overcoat and phone and dashes out of his office without informing his secretary. Sitting in the back seat of his car, he recalls the conversation he had with his mother during breakfast and the promise he made to her. Checking the time, he realizes it's already 2:30 and curses under his breath as he tries to think of ways to appease his mother.

A few hours before,

Currently, the entire Park family is sitting at their dining table and having a hearty meal with a conversation filled with laughter. Mrs.Park looks at their family bonding together, just like every day and a smile makes her on her face.

"What happened dear, Why are you so happy today?"Mr.Park asks his wife teasingly, who just smiles at him.

Instead of answering her husband's questions, she turns toward her son and says " Just to remind you, my Dear, we have a meeting with the Mins today, so reach there on time."

"But, mom....." Jimin is cut off by his mother as he tries to oppose her idea to meet with the Mins.

"I know about your meeting, I simply want you there with us during the lunch, after your meeting directly come to the MIn Mansion." his mother says as he pats his head like a child.

"If we are able to make a deal with the Mins, it will benefit both the companies a lot." Mr.Park adds Jimin nods his head he agrees with his father, sealing a deal with the mins means a lot of profit and zero to no loss.

"But, Dad if we had to make a deal with the Mins it would mean a lot of sacrifices from our side, how can we make a deal with them? "Jimin questions as he mentally compares the cons and pros of making the deal with the Mins.

The Mins were the most friendly family in the business industry, but they were also one who could be very selfish and quite greedy when it came to making deals. Though the Parks are good friends of the Min, they knew that when it came to making deals they could be quite brutal.

" They couldn't dare refuse if it's a marriage deal." his father says smugly and sips on his morning coffee but is quickly sent into a coughing fit when his mother smacks his head, hard.

"Is my son a deal for you, I swear if you..."

"Honey, This deal will not only be beneficial for us but also for Jimin." Mr. Parks explains his plan.

The CEO of Park Enterprises has made it clear that he is not interested in being in a relationship. He prefers to focus on his work and live a single life. However, he has given his parents the authority to choose a partner for him if they think it's necessary.

Though Mrs.Park does not seem convinced she looks at her son who gives her an assuring smile and agrees to the arrangement. The rest of the breakfast the family discusses the arrangement and hopes for the Mins to agree with them.

The Park Enterprise CEO is currently standing in front of the Min Mansion, a bit nervous about showing up late and making a bad impression, He stands there contemplating his life when suddenly a servant comes in front of him with the intention to guide him where his parents are.

The young CEO wordlessly follows the servant who politely leads him to the main living room, where he finds his parents having a friendly conversation with the Mins. Everyone's head turns towards him as his arrival is announced. 

Mrs.Park stands up and leads Jimin toward the others " This is my Son Park Jimin." Jimin bows towards the Mins and apologizes for being late, who shrugs it off and tells him to take a sit. 

The conversation is put to a halt, as a servant comes up and says " Sorry, to disturb, but Mr Cassano wants to have a talk with Young Master Min." The servant informs as he holds a phone in front of the CEO of Min Corporation.

Mr. Cassano the one that JImin had a deal with, the deal which slipped out of his hand just a few minutes ago. S now they want to have a deal with the MIns? thinks Jimin as he looks at their reaction.

"Yoongi dear, Why don't you have a word with Mr. Cassano and see what he wants." The youngest Min nods his head and walks off with the phone in his hand.


There you go, 

How was it?

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