Day 4 - Shipwrecked?: 6/7

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"-and with that, only one of your drone blobs remains," Shining concludes his turn, "I guess that I made the sides too heavily imbalanced, but the point was to show you the system, not set up a real match."

10013 doesn't reply immediately, watching the 'battleground' with narrowed eyes.

After some explaining that running away could be a map objective just like capturing an area or straight up all-out battle, and that losing doesn't really net any penalty because it's all supposed to just be friendly fun, the drone stopped trying to simply flee and got into the spirit of things. However, the dice clearly weren't on 10013's side and the five drone blobs managed to only cause two hit points' worth of damage to Shining's unicorn blob.

"This does look pretty doomed," 36658 nods with a pout.

"Don't give up. The dice are a fickle mistress," Shining encourages the drones, "You can always get some lucky rolls and I might not hit you for a few turns."

"Hmmm," 10013 rubs its chin, "I think it's time for my secret weapon. 20100, come over here, will you?"

The drones exchange looks of sudden realization which Shining can't decipher. 20100 sits down next to 10013, and the Emperor is absolutely certain he would have no clue which is which if the two shuffled around with his eyes closed once or twice. Well, not entirely. The presumed 20100 is smiling while 10013 still looks like it's thinking hard about something.

"Can 20100 roll for me?" asks 10013 before doing anything else, "Is it allowed by the rules?"

"In an official tournament setting I think you can't do that without explicit permission from the other player but here it doesn't matter. Go for it," Shining shrugs.

"Time to save the drone blob, 20100," 10013 nudges the other drone and gives it the dice.

"The chance is extremely low-" Shining starts talking but freezes when 20100 rolls a hit and armor penetration and the maximum damage of two.

"Go go, blobby!" 20100 cheers, "You can do it!"

"Oh, wow. That was lucky," Shining leans back, blinking, "We'll see how you hold up now."

Shining attacks. 20100 rolls 6 - armor save.

Next turn - 10013's blob hits Shining's for maximum yet again and the big blob falls.

"Oh wow, you killed my unicorn blob. Well done," Shining doesn't seem bothered at all, "Told you that luck can change."

"YAAAAAAAAAY!" the drones start cheering as one.

With the exception of 20100 who looks at its hooves, wibbles, and starts crying.

"Buddy? Buddy?" 10013 pulls it into a hug, "What's wrong. You didn't kill anything for real."

"I knooooooooow!" 20100 weeps, "'s not it!" it sobs, "IT MEANS I CAN'T PLAY WITH YOU BECAUSE I ALWAYS WIIIIIIIIIN!"

"What? That's nonsense," Shining tilts his head, "What are you talking... about?" his voice drifts off when he notices that the drones are taking 20100 deadly seriously, "You just rolled maximum on everything twice. I mean, it's statistically unlikely but it can happen."

10013 shakes its head.

"That's not it, Mister Shiny. 20100 kinda just wins at random stuff. Wanna try again?"

"That's crazy, sure," Shining shrugs, "One big blob against one small blob and it'll prove that statistically it's near impossible."

Three rounds of maximum damage hits and perfect armor saves later, Shining moves his big blob off of the battlefield again, jaw dropped.

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