Day 5 - Standard procedure: 1/8

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The three-room suite is dim this early in the morning. The curtains aren't drawn over the windows in either of the two bedrooms nor in the living room between them. On the first glance, all three rooms are empty, and there's no one in the bathroom. The four large beds, two in each bedroom of the suite, are neatly made, showing no signs of anyone having spent the night in them. That should be strange, since the guests certainly arrived at night.

Sudden shuffling and scratching from the top part of a large, heavily decorated, wooden, two-part wardrobe by the wall might freak out any potential observer up until the point when, with a bump, the small door opens, revealing a pair of glowing teal eyes on a small, black head.

10013 looks around, woken up by an unidentified sense of strangeness in its hive links.

Hmmm, nothing out of the ordinary.

Something is off, something...

A presence!

The instant 10013 concentrates on the faint and unidentified presence within the hive mind, it vanishes without a trace, leaving the drone questioning if it's ever been there at all. Eventually settling for a shrug, 10013 flies down from the top section of the wardrobe and lands on the soft carpet, hopping around a little to enjoy the tickling on the frogs of its hooves. It's like fresh grass but so much softer and warmer!

Whoah, we must have been more tired than we thought. It's way past sleepy time and everyone's still out.

Its touching of the other hive links is immediately answered by 36658's head peeking from under the bed. A second of violent struggling later, 20100 slides out from a bottom drawer of a metal filing cabinet in the corner.

"Hi, guys!" 10013 smiles, "Did you sleep well?"

"Mhm," 20100 nods, "This sliding thingy was super cozy once I took the papers out," it points at a stack of binders neatly set down on the floor next to the cabinet.

"Do you think someone's gonna need those?"

"I'll put them back in for the day," 20100 flies out and gets to cleaning up, "Though I doubt anyone's going to be using these, they're all blank."

36658 yawns.

"Then maybe they're for us?" it suggests, "You know, so that you can draw as much as you like."

"Ohhhhhh!" 20100 stops, pondering the idea, "If that's the case then there must be some drawy rocks or paints around here too."

"You'd better put those papers back anyway until we confirm that," 10013 nods its head towards the cabinet, and 20100 resumes cleaning up.

"Whoah!" 36658 checks the hive mind, "We're way into worky time."

"Aren't we on shippy time?" 20100 finishes putting the papers back.

"Can't be," 10013 shakes its head, "The ship sunk, so I think we're back on standard time."

"Huuuh," 36658 taps its hooves on the carpet, "Nope, definitely not. There aren't any hive mind markers about digging or carrying."

"I think we should stick to being on breaky time until told otherwise," decides 10013, "Besides, we can always hunt for points."

"Ah!" 36658 facehoofs, "I can't have High Score be forgotten due to the actions of that hairy tick. If you don't have any leadershipping for us, then I-"

"I actually do," 10013 laughs nervously, "But for that we need everyone. How about we first explore this place? The hive mind map is pretty empty."

After they arrived at night, 387 just led the drones into the suite and ordered them in no uncertain terms to shut up and go to sleep.

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