chapter one

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I woke up to a pillow being thrown at me, "Turn the damn thing off," Bella my best friend groaned from beside me. I rolled out of bed and turned off my alarm, walking into the bathroom.

I turned on the light squinting my eyes, today was the day some of the volleyball girls met at the beach to get in one last beach game before school started back. I had been voted captain of our school volleyball team because our last captain got kicked off the team for being under the influence during a game.

When Bella stumbled into the bathroom I was washing my hands. "Do we really have to be there that early?" Bella groaned. I look over at the time on my TV it only being 9:30 AM. I looked back at Bella, "Bells it's not even that early," I signed. Bella mumbled something under her breath before standing beside me to put toothpaste on her toothbrush that I keep in here for her.

If Bella thought this was early there was no way in hell she would ever get to school on time this year.


I'm dreading it, seeing as I'm about to start my Junior year at Riverside High School in St Augustine Florida, and I still had my senior year to go through with. Thinking about school gets me so annoyed especially thinking about the expectations my mom is holding too. But I had Bella so everything would be alright. Maybe I rely on her too much, I mean it's not like she's my only friend I had plenty of friends but she's my best friend. We both rely on each other.

Bella's been my best friend since the second grade. Besides the occasional arguments we would get into over clothes and stupid stuff we could always count on each other she's like a sister. Bella has long blonde hair that comes down to the middle of her back, she has light blue eyes and a smile that could light up any room she walked into. Bella was very outgoing and she could catch any boy's eye. Besides our appearances being opposites, our personalities were the same.

In the seventh grade, we both tried out for our middle school volleyball team, and we made it.

I was wearing a dark blue bikini, with a pair of black jean shorts on with my Birkenstocks. I French braided my dark brown hair back into two braids.

While braiding my hair, someone knocked on my door.

"It's open," I called from my full-length mirror while I was sitting on my bedroom floor. My older brother Tyler peaked his head in, "Tay, mom needs my car, so I'm riding to the beach with you guys," he explained.

Bella was changing in the bathroom when she said, "Oh God, does this mean we have to listen to you yap for thirty minutes," Bella groaned opening the bathroom door. We were both on the same team so we were wearing matching bikinis and black jeans shorts.

Tyler smiled at her, "You know it," he teased pulling a piece of her hair back. Bella smacked him on his arm before throwing her hair up in a ponytail. Bella huffed and plopped down on my bed.

Tyler Jones is my older brother. He's currently a senior at Riverside High and knows everyone. Tyler is the captain of the school baseball team and he plays football. He is currently dating Silvia Westwood, Silvia doesn't like me or Bella, but Ty doesn't know that. She plays volleyball with me and Bella.

Me and Ty have a lot of similarities we both have chestnut brown hair and meadow green eyes. Tyler is one of the popular boys at Riverside.

"Ty why are you going to the beach," I asked looking at him through the mirror. "Me and some of the guys are going to throw the football around," he shrugged walking over to sit down on the couch I have in my room.

"Who even is on our team," Bella questioned grabbing her phone from the nightstand.

"Me, you, Alexis, Ellie, Lily, and Madi, a lot of the girls are out of town for vacation," I told her finishing up my second braid. Bella dropped her phone and looked at me. "Why are there freshmen on our team?" she asked rolling her eyes.

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