chapter three

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"Jack! You ready?" Tyler yelled from his living room. I was in the basement getting my hoodie. I took the steps two a time getting up it way faster. "What took you so long?" Finn questioned as I walked into the living room. "Nothin, had trouble finding my hoodie," I shot a cheeky sarcastic smile too the youngest in our group.

We all started waking out to the truck Tyler got when he turned 17. "Ty what's little Jones up to tonight?" Blake questioned from the back seat. Ty shrugged, "Don't know, probably in her room crying over One Tree Hill." He laughed.

I rolled my eyes at his statement, Ty always made it seem like he didn't really care about her when he was around his friends. He told me it was because if his friends thought she was lame then none of them would go for his little sister.

I've thought about it don't get me wrong she's gorgeous, smart, and extremely funny. I liked her when we were younger but I could never do that to Ty so I stopped talking to her as much as I did back then. Until we stopped talking to each other completely at the beginning of my sophomore year. I didn't know why but eventually I got over it.

"Nah I went to go check on her in her room and she wasn't there. Figured she was at Bella's," Finn clarified. Tyler whipped his head to the kid in the back seat. "Why the hell were you checking on my sister?" Tyler huffed.

"Dude chill, I've been friends with Tay since like the 7th grade," Finn laughed. I looked over at Tyler and he was nodding his head. "She's over at mine, Mom asked her to babysit the twins," I told them as I scrolled threw Snapchat opening unopened snaps.

Blake laughed from the back seat at something Tyler said when we pulled up to the house the party was at.


When we walked into the party Tyler got pulled away by Silvia and Blake went straight to the drinks with Finn. When I walked into the living room a certain red headed volleyball player followed behind me.

"Jack! There you are." Alexis smiled stopping me in a corner wrapping her arms around my waist.

I looked down at her and rolled my eyes, "Get off of me Alexis," I pushed her arms down off of me.

"What?" she questioned putting her arms back around my waist, "Is that all you want me around for is for a decent hookup?" She slurred obviously drunk. "I don't have time for this Alexis." I grumbled attempting to get her off me one last time.

I waved over one of Alexis's friends telling them to get her home and to help her. After her friends took her I walked into the kitchen to get a drink. I said I wasn't drinking tonight, but the shit that just happened with Alexis there's no way in hell I'm making it through this party without one.

After I got my drink I talked to some of my teammates from football then eventually I made my way outside.

About an hour after hanging out it being around 9, my name was called by a group of people with Finn in it.

"Graham!" Michael from the soccer team yelled.

I made my way over to the bonfire they were sitting at. There were seven people there, Finn, Michael, 2 guys whose name I didn't know, Jake whose also on the soccer team, and 3 girls that from my guess were from across town because I have never seen them before.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 18 ⏰

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