I. Toska

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Reconciled yet destroyed,
Rebuilt yet desecrated,
I fought through hell and the void,
Yet I'm left with what we created.
Like time had restored,
Yet never forgetting the dissonant chord,
We sat together waiting
For something, anything.

Though we have reformed,
I still am quite stormed
As we speak words that at a time
I thought I'd never again find.
We dash over lines
Just for us to find
That through pain and sorrow,
We'll never be hollow.

At least, that's what you believe.
Yet there's always a side you never see.
One foot in reality, one in a purgatory,
A phrase repeats to me
Momento Mori.
I soon gaze at what's leftover,
The days, the years, the decades,
I wish I could lay in clover,
yet my heart is like a crusade.

Lost, I am,
yet I'll speak not.
You have more importance in your life,
attend to their wounds.
For I've been scan,
held back by knots,
Caused nothing but strife,
so please, stare with him to the moon.

And maybe on that moon, you'll see the man.
The man that stares back.
His bright reflection
appearing from the black.
So do stare, let the shadow shine,
The shadow is but a remnant of mine.
And only then, shall we truly
realize that what we have, shall never fall to cruelty.

At least, I pray we never.
And I pray that we never will be lesser.

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