II. My Stone

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(A/N: This one is a free verse so no rhymes. Hope it's at least a little tolerable!)

I've had this stone for over a year now.
Hell, I've had it since I was little.
It's always sat in the corner of my room
And it watched me as I grew.

I used to play with it when I was little,
But now I never touch it.
It just kinda sits there
all alone.

It's been a long time since I've held that stone
I think around 2 or 3 years since.
I've grown so much
and yet that rock hasn't.

Like I said
I've had it for over a year now.
But I think that it's starting to chip in some places.
I've noticed cracks on it.

It continued cracking today.
Little black lines were spread around.
I don't think this was a rock
I think my mom lied.

I look at the stone
It's all destroyed now.
Nothing ever came out of the stone.
Nothing ever did.

Just like me,
the rock's outgrown its shell.
But the pieces still sit there.
Just sitting there. Waiting.

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