V. Promise Me

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(A/N: This one is sorta vent-ish and a free verse where I spill my mind out so yea.)

I lay in bed staring at my celling, as I
disassociate from myself.
I wonder, what is it now?
What is the pain I feel?
I can't tell what's in the mess.
And anytime I clear a space,
it becomes messy yet again.

It's not my life, I know that.
I'm happy with mine now.
Yet, I can't help but get caught
in everyone else's.
My friends, they go through pain,
and I try to stand with them,
but there's no way to help.
There's never any way to.

Cuz I don't know their pain.
I don't know their struggle.
All I can do is sit back and feel guilty
that they're dying and I'm lowering the casket.
I try to be less involved,
but doesn't it seem rude
when you see your friend struggling
and you stand and cheer from the side?

But that's all I can do.
It's all I ever will be able to do.
All the ways to help, they shun.
All the ways I know how to.
I don't know what to even do though.
I mean, they're my friends.
I have to help.
I just, I can't figure out how to.

I'm not sure how to end this.
I guess I'll just leave then.
Goodbye for now,
and please. Never leave me.

Promise me, promise me you'll never leave.
Promise me...

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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