III. Pledge of Allegiance

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As we drift, and drift,
Further from us,
we stare into a rift
showing the unnecessary fuss.
Through war and death
over stupid monetary gains,
you'd think they'd stop playing
a stupid game.

But now, they turn to chemicals.
They poison our minds
just to pretend that our vessels
won't ever defy.
But I won't listen,
I wont breathe the death.
I'll restore my vision,
and try to fix the rest.

Yet with all the work,
there's still too much to be done.
As I stare, the clouds are murk
and my shoulders weigh a ton.
But no matter what, I'll be there.
I'll be the one to stare
the suited men into scares
till they finally say their prayer.

And only then, will they realize
that despite the money,
There's a heavier price to pay.
Millions of innocent. fucking. lives.

So say with me,
I pledge my allegiance
to the flag
of absolutely no one.
I'll live my life
the way I want to
with no outside interference.

And only then, I will see
that the rest of the world
should be begging on its knees
for just a litte smidge of fucking peace.

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