Chapter 5

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*Please leave respectful comments about Paige and Azzi, anything that goes too far I will be removing. This is all for fun and all fictional. I am not assuming or forcing anything*

Azzi woke up the next morning feeling tired because she couldn't get much sleep since she was thinking of the events that occurred last night.

She decided to go on her phone and check twitter and TikTok, which was a mistake because twitter was talking about her and the blonde's moment on Ice's live last night, and TikTok kept showing the exact clip of the two holding each other.

This was exactly what she was worried about. In an attempt to clear her mind she got out of bed, got ready for the day, changed into a white uconn shirt and black shorts and made her way to the practice facility.

She ended up in the weight room, connecting her phone to the speakers and started lifting. The curly hair girl has always loved lifting, it's another one of one her therapy's, next to basketball. It helps her focus and take out all her stress by focusing on just lifting the weight in her hands.

She finds comfort in being the only one in the gym and just doing whatever she feels like. She starts off doing pull ups to warm up her arms before heading over to do the chest press. She's been wanting to hit a new PR but that doesn't seem like the best idea right now since she doesn't have anyone to spot her.

Instead she just plays it safe and puts 150 pounds on the bar since she knows she can lift that. Then lays down on the bench, grips the bar and starts lifting it up and down. She finds the ache in her arms addicting as she keeps lifting the bar.

After a couple of reps and sets later she puts the bar down and takes off the weight as she shakes her arms out, starting to feel the burn in them. She grabs a towel by the door and wipes her face with it, wiping off her sweat as she takes a second to chill and get her breathing under control and drink some water.

Then she grabs some barbells and starts doing bicep curls since she is focusing on her biceps and shoulders in this workout. She does as many reps as she can until she can't physically lift up the weights anymore and drops them on the ground, wiping her face again.

"I thought I would find you here" a voice says from the door, startling Azzi because she didn't know anybody came in. She looks towards where the voice came from and meets the ocean blue eyes she got lost in last night. Her heart starts beating faster and she doesn't think it's because of the workout she is doing.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Azzi asks the blonde talking about her hangover

"Better than I thought I would be" Paige answers honestly walking towards the curly hair girl "thanks for taking care of me last night"

"Yea of course" Azzi says softly as they are standing in front of each other

Azzi isn't sure if the blonde even remembers the night at all, but something is telling her that she does because why else would she be here right now.

"Any specific reason you are working out so hard your arms might fall off?" The blonde questions

"Nope" Azzi says short and simple

"Oh come on Azzi, I know you better than that. There's definitely a reason" Paige says as Azzi sits down at one of the benches nearby and thinks about what she wants to say.

"Do you remember last night?" Azzi asks meeting the blue eyes that were already looking at her

"Yea I do" Paige says softly, "and I think all of tiktok does too" Paige says pulling out her phone and showing Azzi the picture of the two of them on Ice's live.

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