Chapter 6: Guy in the basement

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Dalia POV

That deep voice hit me like a jolt, sending my hair standing on end and my muscles locking up. My brain went blank for a moment. Mustering up some guts, I turned around to see who it was.

 And there he was, staring back at me with eyes as captivating as a kaleidoscope—green, blue, and utterly mesmerizing. Eyes so beautiful it took my breathe away. Yes, they were full of color but it seemed like i was staring at an iceberg null of emotions ,memories and LOVE.

"Hush!" he said with a smirk, and I knew I was in trouble. I dropped the book and bolted out of the room, running as if my life depended on it. Up stairs, through hallways, without a single glance back. Finally, I reached my room, slamming the door shut and locking it behind me.

I leaned against the door, the only sound in the room the thunderous beat of my heart pounding against my chest. As I calmed down, I pondered his words. "Hush?" Did he hush me away? What was his deal? Was I some sort of pet to him, to be hushed away? I shouldn't have run. I should have confronted him. 

Just you wait, mister, you won't get away with this.

As I tried to calm my racing heart, a knock on the door interrupted my thoughts. Was it him? Had he come to hush me away from the house?

 My thoughts were interrupted by a sweet voice.

"Dear Dalia, are you awake?"

 Oh, it's Dina.

"Yeah, I'm up," I reply, swinging the door open to let her in. "So, how was your first night at the mansion?" she asks with a warm smile."It was good! Very comfortable, the bed was for real," I assure her.

"Oh, was it? I'm glad," Dina responds. Then, after a pause, she remembers something. 

"Oh, right! I forgot to tell you something... Don't wander around too much, especially don't go in the basement. Cuz.....ummmm..."
she burrows her eyes thinking for an excuse.

"It's very dusty and old with... oh yes..."

finally thought of an excuse

"Big spiders there."
nodding to herself

"You wouldn't want them jumping on you now, would you?" She chuckles nervously.

"Haha," I give a small laugh, sensing her hesitation.

 Too late, I thought. Too late, Dina.

"Never mind... I came here to take you for breakfast. Wanna come with me?" Dina offers. 

"Sure, why not... Let me grab my phone," I reply. 

"Okay, awesome," she says with a smile. 

"Okay, I got it. Let's go," I say as I join her. Dina leads me through the mansion to the kitchen, and I step inside.

Stepping into the kitchen, I was met with a sight straight out of a home decor magazine. High shelves, fancy cupboards, and even wine glasses hanging from the ceiling! Plus, that window opened up to the prettiest garden I'd ever seen. Sunlight was flooding in, making everything look even more gorgeous. It was like walking into a dream!

My gaze shifted to my dad chilling in one of the garden chairs, sipping his coffee and flipping through the newspaper.

I sneak up behind him and give him a big hug. "Morning, Dad!" I chirp with a smile.

"Morning! How was my baby's first night?" he asks, his concern genuine.

"It was awesome..."

"That's good to hear... I know it's early, but my flight's in 5 hours," he says.

"Oh, yes, I remember." 

"So, I'm leaving after breakfast."

"What? Isn't it too early?"

"I know, baby, but the airport's far from here."

I nod, trying to hide the twinge of sadness in my heart. "I'll miss you, Dad," I admit softly.

"I'll miss you too, sweetheart," he replies, pulling me into another hug. 

"But remember, you're never alone. You have Dina, Zarion, and everyone else here. And you can always call me anytime, okay?"

"Okay," I whisper, trying to hold back tears .With a final squeeze, Dad releases me from his embrace. 

"Now, let's enjoy this breakfast together before I have to go." I nod, forcing a smile as we both head back inside to join the others for our last meal together before Dad's departure. As Dad and I head back inside, Dina is bustling around the kitchen, putting the finishing touches on breakfast.

"Hey, Dina, everything smells amazing!" I exclaim, trying to lighten the mood.

"Thanks, Dalia! I hope you like it," Dina replies with a warm smile. "Your dad's favorite pancakes are on the menu today."

I exclaim "How do you know?"

"Cuz of Uncle Antonio. He knows your dad like a mom would know his son" Dina said with a smile. 
"Hahaha!! He sure does." my dad laughs.

I grin at Dad, who nods in approval. "Thankyou, Dina," he says, his eyes twinkling. 

Dina chuckles. "Well, I aim to please. Now, take a seat, both of you. Breakfast is served!"

We all gather around the table, enjoying the delicious meal and each other's company, trying to make the most of our time together before Dad has to leave.

After the breakfast dad goes to his room giving a final check to his preparation for departure while i and Dina walk in the garden.

After a while, Dina and I froze as the sound of the crashing pot echoed through the garden. We turned around to see Zarion . Zarion was standing there, looking like he just rolled out of bed. His hair was all over the place, and he had on this white undershirt peeking out from under a black shirt, with most of the buttons undone. Plus, he was rocking this silver chain around his neck, like he's some kind of rockstar.

"What The Hell, Zarion!!"  Dina glares at Zarion. "Were you drinking again?"

"What if I was?" Zarion retorts, his voice slurred. "You got a problem?"

"Do whatever you want, just don't break things," Dina snaps back.

Zarion kicks another flower pot, tauntingly. "Hmm? What were you saying?"

Dina is exasperated. "Are you mad? What the hell!"

"It's just a pot why over react, we can just buy another," Zarion shrugs, then adds mockingly, "Did Xavier buy this for you?"

"No wonder you over reacted......why do you even hang around that mad man?" He asked.

Dina's expression darkens. "Don't talk about him like that!"

Dina turns to me and gestures towards Zarion. "Can you believe this guy? Who would think he's Antonio Mariellio's son?....."

I shrug. I didn't really want to be a part of this conversation, but then I start to wonder who this Xavier might be. 

Ignoring her, Zarion turns to me. "If you're wondering who Xavier is, go to the basement in the old mansion. You'll find him worshiping a dead soul like a madman."

The memory of the morning clicked in my mind.

"You did not!" Dina exclaims.

She points towards the kitchen door. "Go take your drunk self to your room!!"

"Yeah, yeah, I am going. You always take anything related to Xavier to heart... Why don't you just marry that jerk?" Zarion jokes.

"Adios!" Zarion leaves the kitchen, laughing, leaving a fuming Dina behind.

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