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"I still think we should go back to Savannah." Tyler spoke stubbornly, while Taylor just look at her twin brother in worry.

"... Alright." Ashlyn replied in annoyance, rubbing her forehead. "Let's take some time to think on it again and have a group vote later tonight." She tap her foot on the ground rapidly in annoyance, having the same argument for the forth time was eating her patience.

"Why not after school?" Argued Tyler.

"Because I have Ballet Class today."

"So what? Skip it."

"Uh, Ty... We have stuff to do after school too. You have baseball practice and I have a mechanics meeting." Piped Taylor, looking at her brother nervously.

"... I uh, I have to help with the Flower Shop today... And... I also think it's better to talk about it tonight... S-so we could also hear Zephyr's thoughts on this..." Said Logan, averting his gaze with a sweat drop.

"See? Even Logan's busy. And I agree with him about Zephyr. She's not here, but we should hear her opinion too." Ashlyn sighed, clearly tired of this Savannah argument. "Even with what's happening, we can't just neglect school and our futur-"

"WE AREN'T GOING TO HAVE A 'FUTURE' IF WE'RE DEAD!" Shouted Tyler in reply, cutting off Ashlyn.

"If we drop everything to focus on fantasy-like events we can't prove, we're going to end up in a PSYCHE WARD." Ashlyn sternly said while staying calm but giving Tyler a glare.

"She's got a point, y'know. Generally we're what people would call 'crazy'" Agreed Aiden while doing a spinning gesture with his hand besides his head.

"Whatever." Tyler stood up, frustrated. He stomped away just to spin back to the group, placing his hands on Taylor's shoulders while giving a glare to the ginger and fake blonde and walked out again with Taylor in tow.

Ashlyn just sighed, annoyed but she does agree with him. In some points, like how she's still going to ballet despite going to fight for their lives later.


Once the bus stopped at Ashlyn's, she stood up to get off, but couldn't help but notice how a certain pair of cousins following her out despite not living their.

She looked at the two with a raised brow.

"What are you doing?"

"Coming over, I figured it'd just be faster to get off here." Aiden nonchalantly replied with his usual smile.

"You know I have to leave in an hour, right?"

"I thought I'd tag along this time. If there's an emergency, I'll know how to get there, right?"

'He's getting more and more pushy.' Ashlyn could only scowl, clearly not pleased at the idea of the blonde tagging along.

"Ashy! C'mon! Let me go with you! Pleasssseeeeeeeeeee! I wanna see you dance! Wha- Ashy! Don't ignore me! AAASSSHHHHHYYYYYYY!!!ಥ_ಥ"

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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