Guess Who's Next

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The next morning Peter woke up and saw the tense look on Jack's face "You too" he asked slowly and Jack's face paled even more
"yes how did that happen"

"arrhhhhhg" Victor woke up shouting and crying "oh my god it was a dream" he cried out, apparently they all had the same weird dream. Rushing out of the graveyard they hurried home planning on putting everything behind them but would that be possible.

The next day at school Victor asked Jack "have you seen Peter, I tried calling him. And he wasn't at classes today and he also didn't pick up the calls"

" no I was planning on going to check up on him after school, are you coming with"

" yeah I'll meet you at the gates after school" Victor replied.

    Victor and Jack went to Peter's apartment after school and found the door locked, they rang the doorbell but there was no answer.
    "Where did he go" Jack whispered trying to call Peter through his phone "hold on I know his password" Victor said putting in the code and opening the door.

Getting inside getting the apartment it was quiet and cold, "Peter!!!!" they both called out but they were answered back by silence "you check his room" Jack said to Victor who hummed an okay.
"Hey found him yet?" Jake asked after a few minutes of searching the house, "no but I found something else' victor replied 'the book"

"what book, the book from the graveyard?"

"yes it was in the lamp stand and something was written on it" Victor said "isn't it supposed to be empty" Jack asked doubtfully, "yeah, but check this out it has our name as the title" Victor whispered.

'Peter decided to call Jack to ask in detail about the dream he had to know if it were exactly the same as his "pick up, pick up" he cried out tensly but all he got was a busy line.

Ever since they came back from the graveyard yesterday he had a feeling that something was watching him creeping in the dark, he was not so easily scared but it was like whatever was watching him had the power to creep into his mind It had been like that all day. walking into his room he traced the source of the eyes watching him and found the book he brought with him.
Opening it he found out that it had his name and his friends name on the first page, shocked he tried to call Jack and Victor again but all he got was a busy tune.

Suddenly he started feeling dizzy and sleepy he tried fighting it by splashing some water on his face from the bathroom but it didn't work, holding the sink tightly his body shook like something has finally made his way through his body then his body loosened and when he raised his head his eyes were empty and his face looked palid, his body moved unnaturally towards the bedroom bumping into many things on the way, and laid on the bed then closed this eyes.

Suddenly many fingerprints started appearing on his body slowly, but if you look closely you'll find out that all of the arms were hanging out from the book and pressing into his body, one of the hands was stuck inside his head slowly pulling out his brain stem from his body. Then he slowly faded into the bed, it was like if he faded from existence with only his clothes on the bed and an extra fingerprints appeared on the back of the book.

GUESS WHO'S NEXT was written in blood. still wet, creating a trail when jack touched it....

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