Chapter 26 - Function Continued

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A/N: Hopefully I do this justice! Also, I notice this story has been #2 for the wolf tag for some time, so yay!


Luna Olwen saw the stunned look on Aaron's face. Given the last time she'd seen him was when she broke their matebond and went into exile, she had braced for some kind of yearning, some kind of bitterness at what could have been.

But she felt nothing.

Her eyes swept briefly over his face before she addressed the attendees as a whole.

"Leaders of the Evergreen Wilds is my pleasure to welcome you to this year's function." Her voice resonated loud and clear through the room, and the audience quieted down to listen. She could see that some recognised her from the previous year's event.

"Though I have only been Luna of the Moon River Pack for a brief time, I have lived here all my life, and bore witness to many happenings, went through many experiences that shaped who all of us are as a region today." She continued, keeping her voice level.

"Though we may have separate lives, there are still many threads that tie all of our packs together in different ways. It is precisely why the packs chose to make peace all those years ago, and why we continue to promote cooperation and teamwork amongst us leaders until today."

She was secretly pleased to see some of the Alphas, Lunas and Betas nodding along in silent agreement of what she was saying.

"And it is with those very aims that this function takes place today." Olwen concluded. "We are here not just to update one another on ongoing events in our packs, but to also strengthen our ties and foster closer relationships. Because when it all comes down to it, we are all part of the Evergreen Wilds, and we need to work together in order to continue to prosper. Remember to keep that in mind going forward, tonight and as long as we live."

She stepped back and dipped her head to signify she was done with her speech, and loud applause came up from the crowd below. She could see Beta Elijah and Stela, along with some of her own pack members who were helping out with the function clapping for her as well, and smiled gratefully at them.

" did I do?" Luna Olwen whispered to her mate, as Alpha Landon took her arm in his and they gradually descended the steps together.

"Wonderfully." He smiled at her. "You're a natural at this."

Olwen laughed in response, finding herself oddly relaxed though she knew almost every pair of eyes in the room was on them at the moment.

"I wouldn't say I'm a natural, I did have training before I came to the Moon River Pack after all."

"Alpha Landon, it is a pleasure to be able to speak with you again." Alpha Maxwell bowed lightly to him and shook his hand with a smile. He was more at ease with Landon as they had cooperated on multiple occasions, and also spent time together outside of pack related matters - they could almost be considered friends.

"It is good to see you too, Alpha Maxwell." Landon returned the gesture with a smile before Maxwell turned to Olwen.

"And Luna Olwen! It is an honour to see you again."

Olwen smiled as they shook hands. "You too, Alpha Maxwell."

They'd conversed a little back in the previous year's function when Olwen asked about Kylie's welfare in the Snow Fang Pack. If only she'd known.

"Believe me, it is a relief to meet a welcoming face after certain...unsavoury characters." Luna Yvonne shook her hand as well, casting an over shoulder glance back at the leaders of the Silver Arrow Pack.

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