Chapter 28 - Function Disrupted

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"Luna Kylie, answer me." Alpha Landon spoke firmly, as Beta Elijah hurried over to help restrain the she-wolf. "Did you attempt to poison Luna Olwen?"

Kylie didn't answer, staring at the Elise on the floor in stunned silence. Doctor Enzo arrived just as the struggling omega had fallen unconscious.

"Oh thank the goddess, she's still alive," He breathed, checking her pulse. "I'll take her to the pack clinic."

He carefully carried Elise up and hurried out of the event hall as quickly as he had appeared. As soon as he was gone, all eyes zipped back to Kylie. Aaron, who had managed to take back control from Ares, was by the side blinking disorientedly. Everything had happened quickly for him, and suddenly his chosen mate was being accused of attempting to murder another Luna.

"Kylie, just answer the question." Aaron said, approaching her. "Did you try to poison Olwen?"

"That wasn't poison." Kylie protested, finding her voice at last the moment Enzo and Elise were out of sight. "It was just a small dose of concentrated wolfsbane."

"Wolfsbane?" Landon demanded, his face stormy. His grip tightened on Kylie as he glanced at Olwen, making sure she was okay. Fortunately, his mate had not been scratched at all by Kylie's poisoned hairpin, but she stayed a distance away from the other she-wolf with a wary look.

The other leaders were watching the commotion, but the moment they heard the word wolfsbane they murmured amongst themselves uneasily.

"It wouldn't have killed Luna Olwen, it would have just cut off her connection to her wolf for some time." Kylie muttered ruefully, her eyes dropping to the polished marble floor. "Don't be dramatic. I didn't use that much - she is an omega, after all."

"Dramatic?" Stela strode forward, her eyes blazing with anger. "Taking away someone's wolf, even temporarily, is a severe blow. It's like losing a part of yourself, having half of your soul ripped away!"

"I wasn't thinking," Kylie protested, suddenly sniffling. "I saw Luna Olwen talking with Alpha Aaron, and I assumed the worst since they were ex mates."

Her knees buckled and she collapsed on the ground, sobbing.

"I'm sorry, Luna Olwen. It's fortunate that I missed!"

Olwen couldn't help the inward rolling of eyes she was doing. Kylie was obviously trying to worm her way out of the situation the same method she'd used before - by spilling crocodile tears and a sob story. From the murmurs around her, not a lot of attendees were buying it.

Before Olwen could open her mouth however, another burst of sobs came from her left. Kylie, face stained with tears, looked up in confusion as Stela collapsed on her knees as well, crying.

"But you didn't miss, you ended up injecting Elise with wolfsbane! She's my brother's dearest friend, someone tell me she's okay!"

Stela was genuinely worried about Elise, but at the same time seeing Kylie attempting to win sympathy points - again - got to the she-wolf this time. And there was no way she was going to let Kylie have the spotlight and attempt to make Olwen look bad.

"Do you really think that just because you didn't reach your intended target, that I'll somehow go more easy on you?" Landon snarled, his eyes flashing golden yellow. "You just tried to cause harm to the Luna of another Pack, and during the annual Evergreen function no less."

The onlookers all glanced at Luna Kylie and nodded amongst themselves, muttering. It was an unspoken rule that the function was a time of peace, where the leaders of each pack could converse and form connections without a need for any violence. And that rule had remained unbroken for years - until now.

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