♡13. In My Room♡

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Just as the dark sky takes over,
And my tears dry but no closure.
I'm alone in my room,
They said, “Solitude will be your doom.”
So I danced along,
To the widespread notion,
And screamed, “You're so wrong!”

In a room of 213 people,
I'm always going to be the 213th person.
Morose, alone and feeble,
Hiding behind her curtain.

Just as the dark sky takes over,
I cry aloud but no one can hear.
I'm alone in my room,
Creating tunnels of words in my head to bloom.
So I danced along,
Wearing my crowns and gowns,
And screamed, “Let them all assume!”

In a room of “how are yous”,
I'm always going to be the “I'm good.”
Because lies are easier of hues,
When you're not ready to listen to my truth.

So alone in my room,
You don't have to carry the weight of my gloom.

Written on: 07th May, 2024

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