Chapter 04: A Dismantling Matter

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Kazz had reached the second floor. His eyes were met with a scene that sent a chill down his spine. At a nearby table, he saw three individuals, two of whom were staff members, their expressions filled with a mix of concern and fear. One of the staff members laid on the floor, wet and in obvious pain, while the other trembled with fear, their eyes fixed on a young man sitting calmly at the table. His name is Rookie Roo Van Gelder. He is a nineteen-year-old mercenary who possesses a captivating and rebellious appearance. His eyes are hazel and he has long dark grey hair that is styled in a messy spiked fashion with one side shaved. He wears faded black jeans and jacket held by two leather belts. Wears a grey tucked-in shirt and sports round spectacles with light grey lens. His combat boots are black and wears black leather gloves. What was odd about this young rougue was that he always kept an incense stick in his mouth, smelling of cedar wood.

Staff B: "Why'd he throw it in my face?! It burns!"
Rookie Roo: "Should have cooled it down."

The atmosphere was tense, and Kazz could sense the unease that hung in the air.

Staff A: "H-here's y-your new cup of tea, sir."
Rookie Roo: "Thank you."

The young rogue grabbed the cup of hot tea and took a sip. He paused for a moment, observing the hot steam coming from his cup.

Staff A: "Is there a problem, sir?"
Rookie Roo: "IT'S BITTER!!!"

He slung the hot tea in the staff's face. He yelled in agony, covering his face with his hands.

Staff A: "MY EYES!!! I'M SORRY, SIR!!!"
Rookie Roo: "Get me some more."
Staff A: "Y-Yes, sir!"
Staff B: "Right away, sir!"

The staff ran away in fear, stumbling pass Kazz and harrowling downstairs. Rookie Roo sat at the table, seemingly unperturbed by the chaos he had caused. His demeanor exuded an air of power and control, leaving Kazz with a sense of excitement. Kazz felt intrigued by the young mercenary's mannerism and simply approached his table.

Kazz: "Hey there."

Solely fixated on the empty teacup in front of him, Rookie Roo didn't notice Kazz until he had sat down.

Rookie Roo: "Where's my tea?"
Kazz: "Yeah, no. I don't work here."
Rookie Roo: "Interesting...Then leave me along. I'm busy."

He said, returning to his empty cup.

Kazz: "Busy pouting over a wasted cup of tea?"

The two locked eyes at the cup in silence for a second.

Rookie Roo: "Why are you bothering me?"
Kazz: "Not a bother. You seem like a guy who knows things."
Rookie Roo: "I know what I need to know and that is enough."
Kazz: "Neat! Mind if I ask you a few questions?"
Rookie Roo: "I do mind. My time is vaulable. If an idiot like you understands that, get lost."
Kazz: "Great! Well, I'm here t-HEY!!!"

He slammed his hands on the table and shot up out of his seat.

Kazz: "What did you call me, jerk?!"

With the same reaction, Rookie Roo slammed his hands on the table and jumped to his feet.

Rookie Roo: "Who you calling a jerk, idiot?!"
Kazz: "I'm calling you a jerk, jerk!"

The two bickered like children, grabbing the attention of the ground floor. Business came to a halt as every merchant knew full well that whoever interrupted the second floor's only occupant was in for a world of hurt.
Kazz: "I was trying to be nice, but you're making it really difficult!"
Rookie Roo: "Then leave!"
Kazz: "You know what, I think I will. After I kick your ass!"
Rookie Roo: "Kick MY ass?"
Kazz: "Yeah!"

GOBLIN PUNCH! VOL. 1Where stories live. Discover now