Chapter 23

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Italics- is used when a person is speaking.

Normal- is used when a person is thinking or performing an action.

Normal- telepathically communicating


How far do you think we have to walk? I asked Tanjiro.

I think it's not that far since we don't need any transportation. Hummed Tanjiro.

Which is why it's weird. I stated.

What is? Tanjiro looked curious.

It's one in the afternoon, why would they send us to slay a demon at these hours, the pace were taking we should be there in some time. I said.


That's good analysis, Kalluto! You're really smart aren't you! Praised Tanjiro.

What are you saying! Stop that idiot! I sputtered.

Tanjiro just smiled and patted my head.

Dammnit whats up with everyone patting my head! I thought touching my head.

South-east! South-east! Hurry, South-east! Repeated Matsuemon, Tanjiro's crow.

I get it, I get it already! Can you please be quiet....please. Begged Tanjiro.


Please!!! Shouted a new voice.

I looked at the person who was capable of being so loud, and immediately understood why we were going demon slaying during the day.

In front of me is none other than resident simp Zenitsu Agastuma.

Which means our next mission would be that mansion of demons.

I beg you! I beg you! Please marry me! He was holding on to a slightly older girl wearing a long skirt and a traditional top.

I don't know when I'll die, so please marry me I beg you---!! Shouted the boy.

Huh? Said a confused Tanjiro.

Oh boy. I said remembering this little detail about Zenitsu.

Suddenly, a frantic sparrow came our way and started chirping.

Chirp! Chirp! Chirp chirp!

I see,I understand. Said Tanjiro.

You do......? I asked.

Seriously, how do all the main characters become animal whisperers?

But if Zenitsu is here.....?

🌸Reborn As....Kalluto Zoldyck?!  (HXH X KNY) 🌸Where stories live. Discover now