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Chapter eleven
The death cure

Let's get into it

"Astrid, we have to get a plan to get out of here" Minho tries pulling my up from Josie

"A plan?! What about her?" I ask

"Astrid i have spent the last 365 days with Josie, searching for you, if she saw what was happening right now, she would want us to escape, be free, live on in the memory of her"

"I just don't want to leave her here" I cry

"I know" Minho puts his arms around me, pulling me into a hug

"I don't want to leave her here either, but we need to get out of here" He says

""I know we do, but it's just hard" I nod slightly

"It's hard for me as well, so how about we figure out a plan, that's if Gally doesn't realise something is wrong" He looks away

"What do you mean?" I ask

"I have a plan with him, the plan was for Josie to come here, then me pretending to be a guard, me and Josie would find a way to get you out and then Gally would be waiting at the edge of the city, with our escape, but i told him if i'm not out in a few days, something is wrong, so he will end up trying to come here" He explains

"They'll kill him if he does"

"I know, that's why we need to get out" He says

"Janson!" I yell banging on the door, it's been hours since i last saw him, when he confessed to making me kill Josie

I was crying for hours then me and Minho created a plan, i just really hope it words

"JANSON!" I yell even louder

"He's busy" A guard says from the other side of the door

"Well tell him to cancel his fucking plans and to get his ass over here now!"

"He's busy" The guard repeats

"And you're gonna be fucking beaten up if you don't call him right now, there is a dead body in here, his daughter's dead body!"

"Janson the girl wants you" The guard says into a walkie talkie

"Tell her i'm busy" I hear Janson reply

"Already did that" The guard replies as i listen to their conversation

"Find out what she wants" Janson says

"What do you want him for?" The guard asks

"To get her out of here, i don't want to be in a room with my best friend, who might i remind you, i was forced to kill, it's to hard"

"She says she doesn't want to be in the room with your daughters body" The guard says to the walkie talkie again

"Then get her out of it" Janson orders firmly

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